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1890 - 1950

1890 Sawyer, A.W. - Mining at Kimberley

1891 Monteiro R. - Delagoa Bay. Natives and History

1892 Couper, J. - Mixed Humanity

1894 Xavier, Caldas - Reconhecimento do Limpopo

1895 Noronha, E. de - O Districto de Lourenco Marques

1896 Junod, H.-A. - La Tribu et la langue Thonga 

1899 Bovill, J.H. - Natives under the Transvaal Flag

1899 Costa, Gomes da - Gaza 1897-1898

1900 Joseph Conrad - The Heart of Darkness

1900 Mouzinho de Albuquerque - Mocambique 1896-1898

1900 Woltmann, Ludwig - Die Darwinsche Theorie und der Sozialismus

1900 Malten, W.H. - The Story of Lebombo

1901 Wilson, S.M. - Behind the Scenes in the Transvaal

1902 Williams, G. - The Diamond Mines of South Africa

1905 Hobson, J. H.,  - Capitalism and Imperialism in South Africa

1905 Peters, Carl - Das Deutschtum als Rasse

1906 - Wilkinson, E. - Soldiers of the Cross in Zululand

1907 Garret, T. de Almeida - Um Governo em Africa. Inhambane

1907 Kautsky, Karl - Sozialismus und Kolonialpolitik

1908 Märcker, G. - Unsere Kriegsführung in Deutsch-Südwestafrika

1910 Angove, John - Pioneer Life on the South African Diamond Fields

1910 Cabral Augusto - Racas, Usos e Costumes - Distrito de Inhambane

1910 Cruz, Daniel da - Em Terras de Gaza

1911 Blackburn, D. - Secret Service in South Africa

1911 Cohen, L. - Reminiscences of Kimberley

1911 Junod, H.-A. - Zidji. Étude de moeurs sul-africaines

1911 Spiller, G. - Inter-Racial Problems, First Universal Race Congress, London

1914 Grentrup, Theodor - Die Rassenmischehen in den deutschen Kolonien

1914  Noske, Gustav - Kolonialpolitik und Sozialdemokratie

1915  Luschan, Felix von - Rassen und Völker

1915  Paul Rohrbach - Unsere koloniale Zukunftsarbeit

1916  Solf, Wilhelm Heinrich - Die Lehren des Weltkriegs für unsere Kolonialpolitik

1918  Gaab, M. - Deutschlands weltgeschichtliche Mission und die Sozialdemokraten

1919  Kautsky, Karl - Terrorismus und Kommunismus

1919  Mansfeld, Alfred (Hg) - Sozialdemokratie und Kolonieen

1919  Reichskolonialamt - Die Behandlung der einheimischen Bevölkerung in den kolonialen Besitzungen Deutschlands

1920  Dahl, Friedrich - Der sozialdemokratische Staat im Lichte der Darwin-Weismannschen Lehre

1920  Dr. Heinz Schnee - Deutsches Kolonial Lexikon Band 1 - 3

1921  Agust Hauer - Ali Mosambik - Bilder aus dem Leben eines schwarzen Fabeldichters

1921  Gossmann, Paul Nikolaus - Der große Betrug

1921  Lang, J., - Die Schwarze Schmach, Frankreichs Schande

1921  Schwertfeger, Bernhard - Deutschlands Schuld am Weltkriege

1922  Gustave Le Bon - Psychologie der Massen

1922  Trotsky, Leon Kautsky, Karl - Dictatorship vs. democracy (Terrorism and communism) a reply to Karl Kautsky

1923  Edward L. Bernays - Crystallizing Public Opinion

1923  Engelmann, Hans Robert - Farbige Franzosen am Rhein. Ein Notschrei deutscher Frauen

1925  George Popoff - The Tcheka - The Red Inquisition

1926  Ernst Jünger - Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis

1926  Haley, J.W. - Life in Mozambique and South Africa

1927 Junod, H.-A. - Life of a South African Tribe

1927  Lasswell, Harold - Propaganda Technique in the World War
Edward L. Bernays - Propaganda

1928  Dora Fabian - Arbeiterschaft und Kolonialpolitik

1928  Wachendorf, K. - Zehn Jahre Fremdherrschaft am deutschen Rhein. Eine Geschichte der Rheinlandbesetzung von 1918 - 28

1932  Hedler, Prof. Dr. -Rassenkunde und Rassenwahn. Wissenschaft gegen demagogischen Dilettantismus

1932  Joseph Goebbels - Der Nazi-Sozi
1932  Ziegler, Heinz - Autoritärer oder totaler Staat

1934  Becker, Paul, Carl Peters - Die Wirkung der deutschen Kolonialpolitik

1934  Grauert, Wilhelm - Die Entwicklung des Polizeirechts in nationalsozialistischen Staat

1934  Mousinho de Albuquerque - Moçambique 1896 - 1898

1934  Rosenberg. Arthur - A History of Bolshevism
1935  Frencks, R. - Das rassische Erwachen des deutschen Volkes

1935  Harold Laski - Democracy in Crisis

1935  Herrmann, Louis - History of the Jews in South Africa

1935  Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan

1935  Joseph Goebbels - Communism with the Mask Off. Nürnberg Rede

1936  Globke, Hans - Kommentare zur Deutschen Rassegesetzgebung

1937  Beamish, Henry Hamilton - South Africa's Kosher Press

1937  Leon Trotsky - The Revolution Betrayed
1937  Leon Trotsky - The Stalin School of Falsification

1937  Schmitt, Carl - Totaler Feind, totaler Krieg, totaler Staat

1938  Gallier-Boissiere, Jean - Mysteries of the French Secret Police

1938  Schultze, Ernest - Die Judenfrage in Siidafrika

1939  Alquen, Gunter - Die SS. Geschichte. Aufgabe und Organisation der Schutzstaffeln

1939  Bentwich, Norman - South Africa. Dominion of Racial Problems

1939  Krivitsky, W. - Stalin's Secret Services

1939  Morstein Marx, Fritz - Totalitarian Politics

1939  Serge Chakotin - The Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda

1940  Gross, Walter - Der deutsche Rassengedanke und die Welt

1941  Kiewiet, C. W. de - A History of South Africa. Social and Economic

1941  Koestler, Arthur - Darkness at Noon

1941  Ashley Montagu - Man's Most Dangerous Myth. The Fallacy of Race

1943  Ilya Ehrenburg - Russia at War
1944  Viner, Jacob - The American Interest in the 'Colonial Problem'
1946  Caetano, Marcelo - Alguns Discursos e Relatórios - Viagem Ministerial a Africa em 1945

1946  Carr, E. H. - The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919–1939

1946  Peter Abrahams - Mine Boy

1946  Simon Wiesenthal - Der Großmufti. Großagent der Achse-Ried

1947  Daniels, Robert - The Dark Side of the Moon (preface by T. S. Eliot)

1947  Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Humanism and Terror_ The Communist Problem

1948  Alan Paton - Cry, the Beloved Country

1948  Léopold S. Senghor - Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie négre et malgache

1948  Ousmane Sembene - Les bous de bois de Dieu (Gottes Holzstücke)
1950  Tabata,I.B. - The Awakening of a People. Cape Town: All African Convention

1951 - 1960

1951  Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism

1952  Frantz Fanon - Schwarze Haut, weiße Masken

1952  Peter Gay - The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism
1952  Mohammed Dib - Le grande maison

1953  Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit 
1954  Ebeling, Hermann - Zum Problem der deutschen Besatzungskinder

1954  Hoettl, Wilhelm - The Secret Front: The Story of Nazi Political Espionage

1954  Koestler, Arthur - The Invisible Writing
1954  Peter Abrahams - Tell Freedom

1954  Harris, CB. - How the compound system came into existence in Kimberley.

1955  Felgas, Hélio A. Esteves - Emigracao Indígena de Mocambique

1955  Hannah Arendt - Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft

1955  Stillman, Calvin - Africa in the Modern World

1956  Bowles, Chester - Africa's Challenge to America. Berkeley

1956  Chruschtschew - Rede vor den Delegierten auf dem XX. Parteitag

1956  Ferdinand Oyono - Une vie de boy
1956  Gluckman, Max - Custom and Conflict in Africa. Oxford: Blackwell

1956  Kuper, Leo - Passive Resistance in South Africa. Cape, London

1956  Mongo Béti - Le Pauvre Christ de Bomba

1957  Martin, Arthur Clive - The concentration camps, 1900-1902

1957  Mongo Béti - Mission terminée

1957  Norman Mailer - El negre blanc

1958  Acheson, Dean - Power and Diplomacy, Harvard University Press

1958  Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart

1958  Narvin Harris - Portugal`s African Wards

1959  Ezekel Mphalele - Down Second Avenue

1959  Great Britain - Nyasaland: Despatch by the Governor

1959  Great Britain - Report of the Nyasaland Commission of Inquiry

1959  James Duffy - Portuguese Africa (Harvard University Press)

1960  Chinua Achebe - No Longer at Ease

1960  Eduardo Mondlane - Role Conflict, Reference Group and Race

1960  Eyferth, Klaus Ursula Brandt Wolfgang Hawel - Farbige Kinder in Deutschland und die Aufgaben ihrer Eingliederung

1960  Friedrichs, Anne - Wie europäisch ist die Geschichte Afrikas?

1960  Great Britain - Report of the Advisory (Monckton) Commission 

1960  Reeves, Ambrose - Shooting at Sharpeville. Gollancz, London

1960  Seton-Watson, Hugh - From Lenin to Khrushchev

1961 - 1970

1961  Armstrong, John - The Politics of Totalitarianism

1961  De Figueiredo, Antonio - Portugal and Ist Empire, The Truth

1961  Enos Ndlovu - We Will Tell dictator Salazar 
1961  Galvão’s Suppressed Report - Forced Labour in Portuguese Africa

1961  Frantz Fanon - Os Condenados da Terra

1961  Great Britain - Southern Rhodesia Constitution

1961  Illing Gertrud - Der Neokolonialismus des Bonner Staates

1961  Strauß. Franz Josef - Vom Nationalstaat zum Weltstaat

1962  Ainslie, Rosalynde - The Unholy Alliance: Salazar, Verwoerd, Welensky 

1962  Delarue, Jacques - Histoire de la Gestapo

1962  Fyer, Peter. Pinheiro, Patricia - 0 Portugal de Salaza

1962  Hlomulo Jani Chitofo Gwambe - America the Country responsible for the Colonial Wars in Africa

1962  James Duffy - Portugal in Africa
1962  Melville Herskovits - The Human Factor in Changing Africa

1962  Moreira, Adriano - Portugal’s Stand in Africa 
1962  Referate - Nationaler Befreiungskampf und Neokolonialismus
1962  Raymond Aron - Opium of the Intellectuals

1962  Rivkin, Arnold - Africa and the West

1962  Thompson, L. - Afrikaner Nationalist Historiography and the Policy of Apartheid

1963  Brzezinski, Zbigniew - Africa and the Communist World

1963  Eduardo Mondlane - The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique

1963  Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth

1963  Great Britain - Correspondence between Her Majesty’s Government and the Government of Southern Rhodesia

1963  Maurice Pinay - The Secret Driving Force of Communism

1963  Merle Fainsod - How Russia Is Ruled
1963  Ngubane, Jordan - An African Explains Apartheid

1963  Rita Ferreira - O Movimento Migratório de Trabalhadores

1963  Rivkin, Arnold - The African Presence in World Affairs

1964  Brian Bunting - The Rise of the South African Reich

1964  Crozier Brian - Neo-Colonialism
1964  de Villiers, H. H. W. - Rivonia: Operation Mayibuye. 

1964  Eduardo Mondlane - The Mozambique Liberation Front: The Crystalization of a Struggle for Freedom

1964  Kwame, Nkrumah - Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism

1964  Lauritz Strydom - Rivonia unmasked
1964  Ngugi wa Thiong - Weep not, Child
1964  Sarmento Rodrigues - Presença de Moçambique na Vida da Nação

1964  Sartre - Colonialism and Neocolonialism

1964  Segal, Ronald, ed. - Sanctions against South Africa

1964  Weigt, Ernst - Beiträge zur Entwicklungspolitik in Afrika. Zur aktuellen Problematik der Entwicklungsländer

1965  Carl Joachim Friedrich, Zbigniew K. Brzezinski - Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy

1965  Colin Legum - South Africa. Crisis for the West

1965  Dr. Paul Friedländer, Dr. Hartmut Schilling - The Neo-colonialism of the West German Federal Republic

1965  First, Ruth - One Hundred and Seventeen Days: An Account of Confinement and Interrogation

1965  Jose Balthazar da Costa Chagonga - Truth about Slavery in Moçambique

1965  Mbeki, Govan - The Peasants’ Revolt

1965  McCuen, John - The Art of Counter-Revolutionary War: The Strategy of Counter-Insurgency. 

1965  Ngugi wa Thiong - The River Between

1965  Nielsen, Waldemar - African Battleline

1965  Niklas Luhmann - Grundrechte als Institution

1965  Nogueira, Franco - Portuguese Foreign Policy: Extracts from Statements

1965  Paulo Gumane - Failure of Unity Talks

1965  Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. - A Thousand Days

1965  Taber, Robert - The War of the Flea. New York: L.Stuart

1966  Chinua Achebe - Man of the People

1966  De Villiers, Heinrich - Rivonia: Operation Mayibuye: A Review of the Rivonia Trial.

1966  Dr. Rudolf von Albertini - Dekolonisation

1966  Drechsler, Horst - Südwestafrika unter deutscher Kolonialherrschaft (1884-1915)

1966  Frelimo - A Voz da Revolução
1966  Gerberding, William B. - United States Foreign Policy; Perspectives and Analyses
1966  George Chilambe - The Struggle in Mozambique
1966  Great Britain - Rhodesia: Documents relating to Proposals for a Settlement

1966  Hammond, R. - Portugal and Africa

1966  Heisel, Donald - The Indigenous Population of the Portuguese African Territories

1966  Hlomulo Jani Chitofo Gwambe - My Concise Autobiography
1966  Kwame Nkrumah - Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism

1966  Merle Fainsod - International Socialism & The World War
1966  Paulo Gumane - Biography, June 3 [Marcum Papers Box 34/3]
1966  Prof. Pelzer - Verwoerd Speeches 1948-1966

1966  Sachs, Albie - The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs

1967  Alex LaGumas - A Walk in The Night

1967  Attwood, William - The Reds and the Blacks

1967  Axelson, E. - Portugal and the Scramble for Africa
1967  Barber, James P. - Rhodesia: The Road To Rebellion

1967  Carter, Gwendolen M. - South Africa’s Transkei: The Politics of Domestic Colonialism

1967  Duffy, J. - A question of Slavery. Labour Policies in Portuguese Africa

1967  Feit, Edward - African Opposition in South Africa: The Failure of Passive Resistance

1967  Fred Barnard - 13 Years With Dr. Verwoerd

1967  Great Britain - Southern Rhodesia: Negotiations Documents

1967  Hannah Arendt - Truth and Politics - Wahrheit und Politik

1967  Hepple, Alexander - Verwoerd. 

1967  Herbert Pech - Cabora Bassa ein Großprojekt
1967  James L. Richardson - Deutschland und die NATO

1967  Juergen Thorwald - Defeat in the East Russia Conquers
1967  Ngugi wa Thiong - A Grain of Wheat

1967  Nyerere - Tanzania Policy on Foreign Affairs at the Tanganyika African National Union National Conference

1967  Pieter W. Grobbelaar - This was a Man - Verwoerd

1967  Smith, Ian - Terrorist Incursions from Zambia: A Statement

1967  Vaclav Havel - Memorandum

1968  Ahmadou Kourouma - Les Soleils des Indépendences

1968  Ayi Kwei Armah - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

1968  Ball, George W. - The Discipline of Power
1968  Bessie Head - When Rain Clouds Gather
1968  Bley, Helmut - Kolonialherrschaft in Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika
1968  Braunbuch - Kriegs-und Naziverbrecher in der BRD und in Westberlin

1968  Duffy, James - Portuguese Africa 
1968  Fanon, F. - Schwarze Haut, weiße Masken

1968  Great Britain - Rhodesia: Discussions held on Board H.M.S. Fearless

1968  Leon Trotsky - Stalin: an appraisal of the man and his influence

1968  Marcelino dos Santos - The revolutionary Perspective in Mozambique

1968  Ralf Dahrendorf - Für eine Erneuerung der Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik
1968  Reginald H. Green - Unity or Poverty
1968  von Estorff, Ludwig - Wanderungen und Kämpfe in Südwestafrika, Ostafrika und Südafrika, 1894-1910

1968  Yambo Ouologuem - Bound to Violence

1969  Acheson, Dean - On the Rhodesian Question

1969  Al Venter - The Terror Fighters

1969  ANC - Morogoro Conference

1969  Aquino de Braganca - L’intinéraire d’Uria Simango
1969  David Abshire, Michael Samuel - Portuguese Africa
1969  Frantz Fanon, Jean-Paul Sartre - Die Verdammten dieser Erde
1969  Frantz Fanon - Em Defesa da Revolução Africana

1969  Frederick Forsyth - The Biafra Story. The Making of an African Legend

1969  Great Britain - Rhodesia: Report on Exchanges with the Regime since the Talks Held in Salisbury in Nov. 1968

1969  Gernot Gatner - Die Dritte Welt als Bildungsaufgabe

1969  John Marcum - The Angolan Revolution Volume 1

1969  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic - Bonn’s Nuclear Arms Pool

1969  Mondlane, Eduardo - The Struggle for Mozambique

1969  Nielsen, Waldemar - The Great Powers and Africa

1969  Wilber, Charles - The Soviet Model and Underdeveloped Countries

1969  Williams G. Mennen - Africa for the Africans
1969  Williamson, Samuel R. Jr - The Politics of Grand Strategy 

1970  Douglas, Mary - Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations

1970  Gail-Maryse Cockram - Vorsters Foreign Policy

1970  Gert Meyer, Heribert Adam, Bassam Tibi,- Afrika zwischen Imperialismus und Sozialismus

1970  Thomas Weingartner - Stalin und der Aufstieg Hitlers

1971 - 1980

1971  Abdelkebir Khatibi - La mémoire tatouée

1971  Althusser, L. - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

1971  Ama Ata Aidoo - No Sweetness Here

1971  Bessie Head - Maru

1971  Desmond, Cosmas - The Discarded People: African Resettlement

1971  E.H. Cookridge - Gehlen_ Spy of the Century

1971  Great Britain -. Rhodesia, Proposals for a Settlement

1971  Hannah Arendt - Lying and Politics - Die Lüge in der Politik

1971  Lerumo, A. [Michael Harmel] - Fifty Fighting Years: The Communist Party of South Africa, 1921–1971

1971  Reinhard Gehlen - Der Dienst
1971  Samora Machel - A Luta Continua
1971  William J. Pomeroy - Apartheid Axis - The United States and South Africa

1971  Wilson, Harold - The Labour Government 1964–1970: A Personal Record 

1971  World Council of Churches - Cabora Bassa and the Struggle for Southern Africa

1972  Alex LaGumas - In the Fog of the Season's End

1972  Great Britain - Rhodesia: Report of the Commission on Rhodesian Opinion

1972  Hyam, Ronald -The Failure of South African Expansion, 1908–1948 

1972  John Marcum - The Exile: Southern African Liberation Movements,

1972  Minter, William - Portuguese Africa and the West 

1972  Stanislas Adotévi - Négritude et négrologues

1972  Wilson, F. - Migrant labour. Johannesburg

1973  Alexander Solschenizyn - Archipel GULAG

1973  Arriaga, General Kaúlza de (1973). The Portuguese Answer 

1973  Arrighi, G. Saul, J. - Nationalism and Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa

1973  Ayi Kwei Armah - Two Thousand Seasons
1973  Barber, James P. - South Africa’s Foreign Policy, 1945–1970 

1973  Capela, J. - O Vinho para o Preto

1973  Carlson, Joel - No Neutral Ground. 

1973  Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism

1973  International Defence Aid Fund - Terror in Tete: Portuguese Atrocities

1973  Joachim Feist - Hitler. Eine Biographie

1973  Nancy Gager Clinch - The Kennedy Neurosis: An American Dynasty

1973  Noam Chomsky, Edward S Herman - Counter-revolutionary Violence

1973  Paulo Jorge; Don Barnett - Interview with Paulo Jorge - Director MPLA

1973  Sheridan, Johns - Obstacles to Guerrilla Warfare: A South African Case Study

1973  Stephen Castles, Godula Kosack - Immigrant Workers and Class Struggle

1973  Walter Opello. Jr. - Internal War in Mozambique: 

1973  Wilkinson, Anthony R. - Insurgency in Rhodesia, 1957–1973

1973  William Minter - Portuguese Africa and the West

1974  Agostinho Neto - Sagrada Esperanca

1974  Bessie Head - A Question of Power

1974  Couto, Filipe - Mosambik und Frelimo: Darstellung einer Befreiungsbewegung
1974  Davidson, Basil - South Africa and Portugal 

1974  Eugen Kogon - Der SS-Staat . Das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager

1974  Hastings, Adrian - Wiriyamu: My Lai in Mozambique

1974  Humbaraci, Arslan and Nicole Muchnik - Portugal’s African Wars: Angola, Guinea-Bissao, Mozambique 

1974  José Luandino Vieira - A Vida Verdadeira de Domingos Xavier
1974  Lewin, Hugh - Bandiet: Seven Years in a South African Prison

1974  Spínola, António de - Portugal e o Futuro: Análise da Conjuntura Nacional

1975  Allen Isaacman - The Tradition of resistance in Mozambique

1975  de Klerk, W. A. - The Puritans in Africa: The Story of Afrikanerdom

1975  Mondlane, Eduardo - Lutar por Moçambique

1975  Nawal el Saadawi - Woman at Point Zero
1975  Sunday Times Insight Team - Portugal: The Year of the Captains

1975  Wole Soyinka - Death and the King's Horseman

1976  Bridget Bloom - Mozambique.

1976  Caetano, Marcelo - O 25 de Abril e o Ultramar

1976  Colin Legum - Vorster's Gamble for Africa. How the Search for Peace Failed
1976  Fields, Rona M. - The Portuguese Revolution and the Armed Forces Movement 

1976  Gonçalves, Vasco - Discursos, Conferências de Imprensa, Entrevistas
1976  Jardim, Jorge - Moçambique: Terra Queimada 
1976  Legum Colin and Tony Hodges - After Angola: The War over Southern Africa 

1976  Machel, Samora - Combate Popular Contra a Criminalidade

1976  Machel, Samora - A Frelimo e as Classes Trabalhadoras

1976  Pearson, P. - Authority and control in a South African goldmine compound
1976  Pietro Petrucci - Interview Samora Machel

1976 Stevens, Christopher - The Soviet Union and Black Africa

1976  Washington - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976

1977  Ama Ata Aidoo - Our Sister Killjoy

1977  Brauer, Carl - John F. Kennedy and the Second Reconstruction
1977  Carvalho, Otelo Saraiva de - Alvorada em Abril 
1977  Cunha, Silva - O Ultramar, a Nação e o ‘25 de Abril’

1977  Hubrich, Heinrich-Georg Henning Melber, - Namibia - Geschichte und Gegenwart

1977  Machel, Samora - Establishing People’s Power to Serve the Masses 

1977  Pommerin, Reiner - Sterilisierung der Rheinlandbastarde. Das Schicksal einer farbigen deutschen Minderheit 1918 - 1937

1977  Porch Douglas - The Portuguese Armed Forces and the Revolution 

1977  South African Defence Force - Nature and Extent of the SADF’s Involvement in the Angolan Conflict

1977  Vorster, B. J. - Selected Speeches. Edited by Prof. Dr. O. Geyser 

1978  Arnold, Millard (ed.) - The Testimony of Steve Biko. Maurice Temple Smith

1978  Ayi Kwei Armah - The Healers
1978  Bender, Gerald - Angola Under the Portuguese. The Myth and the Reality

1978  Bingham, T. H., Gray, S. M. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Report on Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Rhodesia.

1978  Blake, Robert - A History of Rhodesia
1978  Dambudzo Marechera - The House of Hunger
1978  Davis, Nathaniel - The Angola Decision of 1975: A Personal Memoir

1978  Ernest Mandel - From Stalinism to Eurocommunism/ The Bitter Fruits of ’Socialism in One Country’

1978  Foucault, M. - Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison
1978  Gerhart, Gail - Black Consciousness: Evolution of an Ideology

1978  Havel, Václav - The Power of the Powerless - Die Macht der Machtlosen

1978  Jardim, Jorge - Sanctions Double-Cross: Oil to Rhodesia
1978  Kane-Berman, John - Soweto: Black Revolt, White Reaction
1978  Moroney, S. - The development of the compound as a mechanism of worker control: 1900-1912

1978  Rudolf Bahro - The Alternative in Eastern Europe
1978  Spínola, António de - País sem Rumo: Contributo para a História de uma Revolução.

1978  Stockwell, John - In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story 

1978  Woods, Donald - Steve Biko - Schrei nach Freiheit

1979  Adam, Heribert and Hermann Giliomee - Ethnic Power Mobilized: Can South Africa Change? 

1979  André Brink - A Dry White Season
1979  Alexander, Neville [No Sizwe, pseud.]. - One Azania, One Nation
1979  Bozzoli, Belinda ed. - Labour, Townships and Protest
1979  Buchi Emecheta - The Joys of Motherhood
1979  Bundy, Colin - The Rise and Fall of the South African Peasantry

1979  Colin Legum - The Western Crisis over Southern Africa

1979  David Albright - Communism and Political Systems in Western Europe

1979  Juergen Thorwald - Die grosse Flucht

1979  Machel, Samora - Fazer Viver a Linha do Partido em cada Trabalhador

1979  Machel, Samora - Organizemos os nossos Recursos para Resolver os Problemas do Povo

1979  Machel, Samora - Façamos de 1980-1990 a Década da Vitória sobre o Subdesenvolvimento

1979  Machel, Samora - Unidade Anti-Imperialista é a Base do Não-Alinhamento  

1979  Machel, Samora - Colher no 25 de Setembro Força Renovada para o Combate 

1979  Machel, Samora - Fazer do Niassa uma Base Sólida na Construção do Socialismo

1979  Machel, Samora - Reforcemos o Poder Popular nos nossos Hospitais

1979  Machel, Samora - A Vitória do Povo do Zimbabwe é Fruto da Luta Armada, da Unidade e do Internacionalismo 

1979  Mazisi Kunene - Emperor Shaka the Great - A Zulu Epic

1979  Middlemas, Keith - Mozambique: Two Years of Independence
1979  Nadine Gordimer - Burger's Daughter

1979  Nogueira, Franco (ed.) - Diálogos Interditos: A Política Externa Portuguesa e a Guerra de África, 2 vols

1979  Sony Labou Tansi - La vie et demie / Das Leben und die Hälfte

1980  Beinart, W. Bundy, C. - State Intervention and Rural Resistance

1980  Brooks, Alan, and Jeremy Brickhill - Whirlwind Before the Storm. International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa

1980  David E. Albright - Communism in Africa

1980  Davidson, Basil - The African Slave Trade

1980  Driver, C. J. - Patrick Duncan: South African and Pan-African. 

1980  Greenberg, S. - Race and State in Capitalist Development: South Africa in Comparative Perspective. 

1980  Hermassi, Elbaki - The Third World Reassessed.
1980  Kenney, Henry - Architect of Apartheid: H. F. Verwoerd, an Appraisal

1980  Machel, Samora - Fazer da Beira Ponto de Partida para uma Ofensiva Organizacional

1980  Machel, Samora - Transformar o Aparelho de Estado no Instrumento da Vitória

1980  Machel, Samora - Na Educação só Investiremos em Terreno Fértil

1980  Machel, Samora - Desalojemos o Inimigo Interno do Nosso Aparelho de Estado

1980  Phizacklea, Annie, Miles, Robert - Labour and Racism 

1980  Rees, Mervin, Chris Day - Muldergate: The Story of the Info Scandal

1981 - 1990

1981  Bragança, Aquino and First, Ruth - From Chibalo to the Liberation of Southern Africa.

1981  Gann, Lewis H., Duignan, Peter - Africa South of the Sahara: The Challenge to Western Security

1981  Gifford, Tony - South Africa’s Record of International Terrorism. London: Anti- Apartheid Movement

1981  Gordon Winter - Inside BOSS - South Africa's Secret Police

1981  Hull, Galen Spencer - Pawns on a Chessboard: The Resource War in Southern Africa

1981  Hans Ritscher, Helga Schelz - Fernsehen- genau betrachtet. Methoden zur Analyse der politischen Berichterstattung von ARD und ZDF über die Krisenregion Südafrika, Namibia, Zimbabwe 1976-77

1981  Machel, Samora - As Forças Armadas de Moçambique Devem Participar na Batalha Económica

1981  Machel, Samora - Desalojamos os Infiltrados nas Forças de Defesa e Segurança

1981  Martin, David and Phyllis Johnson - The Struggle for Zimbabwe: The Chimurenga War 

1981  Matthews, Z.K. - Freedom for My People: The Autobiography of Z.K. Matthews: Southern Africa 1901 to 1968.

1981  Mbulelo Mzamane - Children of Soweto

1981  Mittelman, J. H. - Underdevelopment and the Transition to Socialism: Mozambique and Tanzania 

1981  Murray, C. - Families divided: The impact of migrant labour in Lesotho
1981  Nadine Gordimer - July's People
1981  Newitt, Malyn - Portugal in Africa: The Last Hundred Years 
1981  Ribeiro, Orlando - A Colonização de Angola e o seu Fracasso

1981  Rodney , Walter - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

1981  Sony Labou Tansi - L'Etat honteux / Der schändliche Staat

1981  Wilkinson, James - The Intellectual Resistance in Europe

1981  Winter, Gordon - Inside Boss: South Africa's Secret Police

1981  Witbooi, Hendrik - Afrika den Afrikanern!

1982  Barber, James, Jesmond Blumenfeld, Christopher R. Hill. - The West and South Africa. 

1982  Brian Freemantle - KGB. Inside the World's Largest Intelligence Network

1982  Browett, J. - The evolution of unequal development within South Africa: An overview, in Living under apartheid,

1982  Frederick Forsyth - The Devil's Alternative

1982  Geldenhuys, Deon - Destabilisation Controversy in Southern Africa

1982  Katzenellenbogen, S.E. - South Africa and Southern Mozambique 

1982  Ken Bugul - Le baobab fou

1982  Kimble, J. - Labour Migration in Basutoland
1982  Luthuli, Albert - Let My People Go

1982  Machel, Samora - Rompamos Definitivamente com a Burguesia para Consolidar o Poder Popular
1982  Naidoo, Indres - Island in Chains. 

1982  Henri Lopès - Le Pleurer-Rire /Der lachende Schrei

1982  Katzenellenbogen, S.E., - South Africa and Southern Mozambique: Labour, Railways and Trade in the Making of a Relationship.

1982  Mamozai, Martha - Schwarze Frau, weiße Herrin. Frauenleben in den deutschen Kolonien

1983  Abdelkebir Khatibi - Amour bilingue

1983  Benninghoff-Lühl, Sybille - Deutsche Kolonialromane 1884 - 1914 in ihrem Entstehungs- und Wirkungszusammenhang

1983  Bozzoli, Belinda - Experience, History and Culture. In Town and Countryside in the Transvaal

1983  Brzezinski, Zbigniew - Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser 1977-1981

1983  Cabrita, João - A View of the Mozambican Civil War

1983  Callaghy, Thomas M. - Apartheid and Socialism: South Africa's Relations with Angola and Mozambique

1983  Eduardo Mondlane - The Struggle for Mozambique

1983  Gregory W. Sandford - From Hitler to Ulbricht. The Communist Reconstruction of East Germany

1983  Henriksen, Thomas - Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Mozambique’s War of Independence

1983  Isaacman - Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution 

1983  J.M. Coetzee - Life and Times of Michael K.

1983  John Barron - KGB Today. The Hidden Hand
1983  Lodge, Tom - Black Politics in South Africa since 1945

1983  Machel, Samora - O Apartheid é o Nazismo da nossa Época

1983  Machel, Samora - Sindicatos organizarão os Trabalhadores para matar a Fome e a Nudez

1983  Nkosi, Lewis - Home and Exile
1983  Njabulo Ndebele - Fools

1983  Ruth First - Black Gold

1983  Sipo E Mzimela - Südafrikanischer Nationalsozialismus

1983  Weimer, Bernhard - Die mosambikanische Außenpolitik 1975-1982

1984  Breyten Breytenbach - Wahre Bekenntnisse eines Albino-Terroristen

1984  Connor, Walker - The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy. 

1984  Evans, M. - The Frontline States, South Africa and Southern African, Security

1984  Eze, Osita C. Human Rights in Africa: Some Selected Problems

1984  Geldenhuys, Deon -  The Diplomacy of Isolation: South Africa Foreign Policy Making

1984  Hanlon, Joseph - Mozambique: The Revolution under Fire

1984  Kennedy, B. - A Tale of Two Mining Cities: Johannesburg and Broken Hill

1984  Machel, Samora - Acordo de Nkomati: Vitória da Paz Vitória do Socialismo

1984  Machel, Samora - O Poder Popular garante a Legalidade

1984  Machel, Samora - Pela Independência, Dignidade e Paz 

1984  Machel, Samora - Venceremos também Hoje o Inimigo de Sempre

1984  Machel, Samora - Façamos de 1985 um Ano de Consolidação da Independência

1984  Mandy, Nigel - A City Divided: Johannesburg and Soweto 

1984  Marsh, Jan and Paul Fauvet - South Africa’s Undeclared War against Mozambique 

1984  Odendaal, Andre - Vukani Bantu! The Beginnings of Black Protest Politics in South Africa to 1912.

1984  Peter Collier und David Horowitz - The Kennedys: An American Drama

1984  Porter, Bruce D. - The USSR in Third World Conflicts: Soviet Arms and Diplomacy in Local Wars, 1945–1980

1984  Pélissier, René - Naissance du Mozambique: Résistance et révoltes anticoloniales 1854–1918, 2 Volumes, 

1984  Rogerson C.M. - Alternatives to influx control: policy response to urbanward migration in the third world

1984  William A. Hachten, C. Anthony Giffard - The Press and Apartheid: Repression and Propaganda in South Africa

1985  Coker, Christopher - NATO: The Warsaw Pact and Africa. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

1985  Coplan, David - In Township Tonight: South Africa’s Black City Music and Theatre. 

1985  Davies, R. H. and D. O’Meara - Total Strategy in Southern Africa: An Analysis of South African Regional Policy since 1978

1985  De Vletter, Fion - Sons of Mozambique. Mozambican Miners

1985  Jaster, Robert (ed.) - Southern Africa - Regional Security Problems and Prospects

1985  Kuzwayo, Ellen - Call Me Woman

1985  Ladislav Bittman - The KGB and Soviet Disinformation. An Insider's View

1985  Lipton, Merle - Capitalism and Apartheid: South Africa, 1910–1984. 

1985  Mandela, Winnie - Part of My Soul. 
1985  Munslow, Barry (ed.) -. Samora Machel: An African Revolutionary 

1985  Neva Makgetla - Why We Call for Sanctions?

1985  Platzky, Laurine, and Cherryl Walker - The Surplus People: Forced Removals in South Africa

1985  Shepherd, George W., Jr., and Ved P. Nanda, eds. Human Rights and Third World Development

1985  Stichter, Sharon - Migrant Laborers

1985  Thomas J. Noer - Cold War and Black Liberation. The United States and White Rule in Africa

1985  William Corson - New KGB. Engine of Soviet Power

1986  Adam, Heribert; Kogila Moodley - South Africa without Apartheid

1986  Asse Gueye - No Woman No Cry

1986  Bernstein, Hilda - Death Is Part of the Process

1986  Bethell, Nicholas - An Interview with Nelson Mandela. In Mark A. Uhlig (ed.), Apartheid in Crisis

1986  Biko, Steve - I Write What I Like
1986  Cawthra, G. - Brutal Force: The Apartheid War Machine

1986  Clough, Michael, (ed.) - Reassessing the Soviet Challenge in Africa 

1986  David Irving - Der Morgenthau-Plan 1944-45. Amerikanische Deutschlandpolitik

1986  Geffray, Christian, M. Pedersen - Sobre a guerra na provincia de Nampula
1986  Grimm, Reinhold Jost Hermand (Hg.) - Blacks and German Culture

1986  Hackett, James. Heritage Foundation - The Resistance Can Win in Mozambiqu
1986  Hanlon, Joseph - Beggar Your Neighbours: Apartheid Power in Southern Africa

1986  Hanlon, Joseph - Apartheid's Second Front

1986  Haysom, N. - Mabangalala: The Rise of Right-Wing Vigilantes in South Africa

1986  Hough, Jerry F. - The Struggle for the Third World. Soviet Debates and American Options

1986  Howard, Rhoda E. - Human Rights in Commonwealth Africa
1986  Lelyveld, Joseph - Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White

1986  Liesegang, G. - Figuring African Trade

1986  Mabin, A. - Labour, capital, class struggle and the origins of residential segregation in Kimberley

1986  Markakis, John; Waller, Michael - Military Marxist Regimes in Africa
1986  Ngugi wa Thiong - Decolonising the Mind

1986  Omi Michael, Winant Howart - Racial Formation in the United States

1986  Orkin, Mark, ed. - The Struggle and the Future: What Black South Africans Really Think

1986  Thompson, Leonard - Political Mythology of Apartheid

1986  UNICEF - Children at the Frontline

1987  Apter, David E. - Rethinking Development: Modernization, Dependency, and Postmodern Politics

1987  Arriaga, General Kaúlza de - Guerra e Política: Em Nome da Verdade

1987  Beinart, W. Bundy, C. - Hidden Struggles in Rural South Africa

1987  Brewer, John D. - After Soweto: An Unfinished Journey

1987  Bridgeland, Fred - Jonas Savimbi: A Key To Africa. The Story Behind The Battle For Angola 

1987  Brittan, Arthur Mary Maynard - Sexism, Racism and Opression
1987  Calixhe Beyala - C'est le soleil qui m'a brülée

1987  Celina Bledowska - KGB/CIA Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Operations

1987  Chinua Achebe - Anthills of the Savannah

1987  Coker, Christopher - South Africa’s Security Dilemmas.

1987  Cole, Josette. - Crossroads: The Politics of Reform and Repression, 1976–1986.

1987  Crocker, Chester (1987) US Policy Toward Mozambique

1987  Davis, Stephen M. - Apartheid’s Rebels: Inside South Africa’s Hidden War. 

1987  De Villiers, Marq. - White Tribe Dreaming. 
1987  Dingake, Michael - My Fight Against Apartheid
1987  Doris Kearns Goodwin - The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. An American Saga

1987  Edgar, David - The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs.

1987  Flower, Ken - Serving Secretly: An Intelligence Chief on Record. Rhodesia into Zimbabwe, 1964 to 1981

1987  Fred Bridgland - Jonas Savimbi, a Key to Africa

1987  Greenberg, S.B.- Legitimating the illegitimate: state, markets, and resistance in South Africa

1987  Halliday F. - Beyond Irangate: The Reagan Doctrine and the Third World
1987  Hillebrand, Ernst - Das Afrika-Engagement der DDR

1987  Hindson, D. - Pass Controls and the Urban African Proletariat

1987  John Dziak - Chekisty. A History of the KGB
1987  John Lewis Gaddis - The Long Peace: Inquiries Into the History of the Cold War
1987  Joseph Hanlon - Beggar Your Neighbours: Apartheid Power in Southern Africa
1987  Knoll, Arthur J. Lewis H. Gann - Germans in the Tropics. Essays in German Colonial History

1987  Kühne Winrich - Krieg in der Großregion südliches Afrika - Eine Gefahr für den Weltfrieden?

1987  Maren, M. - U.S. Callousness and Mozambique Massacres. New York Times

1987  Maré, Gerhard, and Georgina Hamilton. (1987) An Appetite for Power: Buthelezi’s Inkatha and the Politics of Loyal Resistance

1987  Meyns Peter - Das südliche Afrika nach Nkomati: Der Regionalpolitik von Botswana, Mosambik und Zimbabwe

1987  Michael Hodd - Africa, the IMF and the World Bank
1987  Nadine Gordimer - A Sport of Nature
1987  Nawal el Saadawi - The Fall of the Imam
1987  Nogueira, Franco - Um Político Confessa-se: Diário, 1960–1968

1987  Peter Jackson - Race and Racism: Essays in Social Geography

1987  Rich Paul - Endgame in South Africa?

1987  Robert Miles - Capitalism and Unfree Labour

1987  Sampson A. - Black and Gold: Tycoons, Revolutionaries, and Apartheid

1987  Spanger Hans-Joachim, Brock, Lothar - Die beiden deutschen Staaten in der Dritten Welt

1987  Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo - The Treatment of Children in the "Dirty War"
1987  Thomashausen, André - The Mozambique National Resistance
1987  Turrell, RV. - Capital and labour on the Kimberley Diamond Fields, 1871-1890
1987  Various - Hammering swords into ploughshares : Essays in honor of Archbishop Mpilo Desmond Tutu

1987  William Minter - Mozambique - What kind of War?

1987  Zoe Wicomb - You Can't Get Lost in Capetown

1988  Abrahamsson, Hans - A verdade nua e crua Roupa usada dado a Moçambique e o seu impacto na produção têxtil local. 

1988  Amadu Sesay - Africa and Europe: From Partition to Interdependence or Dependence

1988  Arnfred, Signe - Women in Mozambique: Gender struggle and politics. In: Review of African Political Economy. No. 41.

1988  Berger, Lewis - Evaluation of OFDA and FFP Grants to Care International in Mozambique 

1988  Bragança, Aquino de with Basil Davidson - Independence without Decolonization: Mozambique 1974–75
1988  Brian M. du Toit - African Healing Strategies

1988  Bundy, C. - The Rise and Fall of the South African Peasantry
1988  Calixhe Beyala - Tu t'appelleras Tanga
1988  Carlos Cardoso - Apartheid nightmare. Pretoria’s regional aggression against Mozambique
1988  Carrington, Peter Lord - Reflect on Things Past: The Memoirs of Lord Carrington

1988  Clough, Michael W. - Southern Africa: Challenges and Choices

1988  Colin Legum - The Battlefronts of Southern Africa

1988  David Manin - Mozambique: Victims of Apartheid

1988  Davies, Rob, Dan O’Meara, Sipho Dlamini.- The Struggle for South Africa

1988  Freund, William - The African Worker

1988  Gantzel, Klaus- Jürgen - Krieg in der Dritten Welt. Kriegsursachenforschung

1988  George, Susan - A Fate Worse than Debt

1988  Gersony Robert - Summary of Mozambican Refugee Accounts

1988  Hoile David - Mozambique: A Nation in Crisis

1988  Hough, M. - The UN Arms Embargo Against South Africa

1988  Ibrahim S. R. Msabaha; Timothy M. Shaw - Confrontation and Liberation in Southern Afric

1988  I. J. Mowoe; R. Bjornson - Africa and the West. The Legacies of Empire
1988  J. Loxley - Economic Reform in Mozambique - Two Views
1988  Jochen Thies - Helmut Schmidt's Rückzug von der Macht : das Ende der Ära Schmidt

1988  John D. Brewer - After Soweto: An Unfinished Journey
1988  John Sender; Sheila Smith - The Development of Capitalism in Africa
1988  Kanji, Naznseen, Richman, Naomi - Psychological effects of war on children in Mozambique
1988  Keegan, T. - Black Lives in Rural South Africa

1988  Knightley, Phillip. - The Second Oldest Profession 
1988  Kurt M. Campbell - Soviet Policy towards South Africa
1988  Lawson Colin - Soviet Economic Aid to Africa

1988  Löw, Konrad - Totalitarismus
1988  Meer, Fatima - Higher Than Hope: The Authorized Biography of Nelson Mandela

1988  Meli, Francis - South Africa Belongs to Us: A History of the ANC

1988  Menges C.C. - Inside the National Security Council
1988  Murray, Martin. - South Africa: Time of Agony, Time of Destiny. 
1988  Mzala [pseud.] - Gatsha Buthelezi: Chief with a Double Agenda.
1988  Norval M. - Red Star Over Southern Africa
1988  Ofcansky T.P. - Low Intensity Conflict in Southern Africa

1988  O’Meara, Dan. - Destabilization of the Frontline States of Southern Africa, 1980–1987.

1988  P. Botha - Marxism-Leninism in Africa with specific reference to Angola and Mozambique

1988  Palmer Robin - Serving Secretly. An Intelligence Chief on Record

1988  Pater Siegfried - CSU-Kontakte zur RENAMO bewiesen, in: Informationsdienst Südliches Afrika
1988  Pater Siegfried - Erst Massaker, dann Bundeshilfe

1988  Patrick Harries - The Roots of Ethnicity: Discourse and the Politics of Language Construction 

1988  Pear R. - Rightists in U.S. Aid Mozambique Rebels

1988  Pike, Henry - A History of Communism in South Africa

1988  R. Gersony - Summary of Mozambican Refugee Accounts 

1988  Ressler Everett, Boothby Neil & Steinbock Daniel - Unaccompanied Children in Emergencies

1988  Roesch Otto - Rural Mozambique and FRELIMO’s Fourth Congress Policies

1988  Sabatier, Renee - Blaming Others. Prejudice, race and worldwide AIDS

1988  Sarkesian S.C. - U.S. National Security Policy and Strategy

1988  SPD-Vorstand - Apartheid tötet auch in Mosambik. Materialien zur Kampagne

1988  Stephen M. Davies - Apartheid's Rebels: Inside South Africa's Hidden War

1988  Strauß, Franz Josef - Pressekonferenz in Maputo/Mosambik

1988  Thomas Redden - The US Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986

1988  Tom Young - The Politics of Development in Angola and Mozambique

1988  UNICEF Report - Children on the Front Line

1988  Weiß, Konrad - Die neue alte Gefahr. Junge Faschisten in der DDR. In: Kontext

1988  William Minter, Elizabeth Schmidt - When Sanctions Worked: The Case of Rhodesia Reexamined

1988  Wolpe, H. - Rasse, Klasse und der Apartheidstaat. 

1989  Alexander A. Alexiev - Marxism and Resistance in the Third World

1989  Amnesty International - Mozambique: the human rights record 1975/1989.

1989  Anglin, Douglas G. - The Frontline States and Sanctions against South Africa.

1989  Ayoade, John A., and Adigun A.B. Agbaje - African Traditional Political Thought and Institutions

1989  Baker, Pauline - The United States and South Africa: The Reagan Years

1989  Bell C. - The Reagan Paradox
1989  Berridge, G.R. - Diplomacy and the Angola/Namibia Accords
1989  Bertil Egero - Mozambique: A Dream Undone. The Political Economy of Democracy 1957-84

1989  Brewer, John D. - Can South Africa Survive? Ten Minutes to Midnight. 

1989  Brock, Lisa - From Kingdom to Colonial District (Gazaland 1870-1930)
1989  Brydon Lynne - Women and the State in Africa
1989  Cline, Sibyl U. S. Global Strategy Council - Renamo - Anti-communist Insurgents in Mozambique

1989  Cobbett, W. - Apartheid s Army and Arms Embargo

1989  Cock, Jackie. & Nathan, Laurie (eds.) - War and Society: The Militarisation of South Africa

1989  Daniel Kempton - Soviet Strategy Toward Southern Africa

1989  Denis Herbstein, John Evenson - The Devils Are Among Us: The War for Namibia

1989  E. Wayne Nafziger - Inequality in Africa: Political Elites, Proletariat, Peasants and the Poor

1989  ECA and UN Inter-Agency Force, Africa Recovery Program - South African Destabilisation,

1989  Edgar, Robert E., ed. - Sanctioning Apartheid.

1989  Edmond J. Keller, Donald Rothchild - Afro-Marxist Regimes: Ideology and Public Policy

1989  Fanon, F. - Studies in a Dying Colonialism

1989  Freeman, Linda - All But One: Britain, the Commonwealth and Sanctions

1989  Freire, Paulo. - Pedagogy of the Oppressed

1989  Frelick, Bill - Renamo: The Khmer Rouge of Africa
1989  George Houser - No One Can Stop the Rain.

1989  Giliomee, Hermann, and Lawrence Schlemmer, eds. - From Apartheid to Nation-Building. 

1989  Girrbach, Bernd Frankfurter Rundschau - Von bundesdeutschem Boden den Terror in Mosambik geplant

1989  Green, Reginald - Poverty in Mozambique

1989  Jonathan Crush - Migrancy and Militance: The Case of the National Union of Mineworkers of South Africa

1989  Hancock, Graham - Lords of Poverty

1989  Havel, Václav - Versuch, in der Wahrheit zu leben

1989  Henrich, Rolf - Der vormundschaftliche Staat

1989  Herbstein, Dennis, Evenson, John - The Devils Are Among Us: The War for Namibia

1989  Holland, Heidi - The Struggle: A History of the African National Congress

1989  Indicator Project South Africa.- An Overview of Political Conflict in South Africa: Data Trends, 1984–1988

1989  Issa Shivji - The Concept of Human Rights in Africa

1989  Jack Spence - The Soviet Union, The Third World and Southern Africa

1989  James, Wilmot G. and Mary Simons - The Angry Divide: Social and Economic History of the Western Cape.

1989  Johnson, P. & Martin, D. - Apartheid Terrorism: The Destabilisation Report.

1989  Johnson, Shaun, ed. - South Africa: No Turning Back.

1989  Karcher, Günther - Quo vadis Südafrika? Hintergrund, Analyse und Folgerungen aus den Parlamentswahlen

1989  Laqueur, Walter, Barry Rubin, eds. - The Human Rights Reader

1989  Lina Magaia - Duplo Massacre em Moçambique. Histórias Tragicas do Banditismo

1989  Magubane, Bernard - South Africa: From Soweto to Uitenhage

1989  Meer, Fatima - Resistance in the Townships. 
1989  McFaul, M - Rethinking the “Reagan Doctrine” in Angola
1989  Mc Lean - The United States and South Africa: The Reagan Years
1989  Meyns, Peter - Der Sozialismus in Afrika in der Krise, in: Afrika Jahrbuch
1989  Miles, Robert - Rassismus - Einführung in die Geschichte und Theorie eines Begriffs

1989  Minter William - The Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo) as described by Ex-Participants

1989  Nathan, L. - Troops in the Townships, 1984-1987

1989 Newbury, C. - The Diamond Ring. Business, Politics and Precious Stones

1989  Niklas Luhmann - Reden und Schweigen

1989  Nzongola Ntalaja - Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Africa

1989  Packard, RM. - White plague, black labour: Health and disease in South Africa

1989  Raul Honwana, Allan F. Isaacman - An inside View of Mozambique from Colonialism to Independence

1989  Reid-Daly, Ron - War in Rhodesia: Cross-Border Operations

1989  Rhoodie, Eschel  - PW Botha: The Last Betrayal

1989  Robert Miles - Racism
1989  Robert W. July - An African Voice. The Role of the Humanities in African Independence
1989  Roesch, Otto - Nampula. What’s Left? In Southern Africa Report
1989  Rolf Henrich - Der vormundschaftliche Staat. Vom Versagen des real existierenden Sozialismus

1989  Roy Armes - Third World Film Making and the West
1989  Shivji, Issa G. - The Concept of Human Rights in Africa
1989  Sibyl W.Cline - Renamo: Em Defesa da Democraçia em Moçambique

1989  Stuart Schram - The Thought of Mao Tse-Tung
1989  Torp, Jens - Mozambique: politics, economics and society. 

1989  Tran Tri Vu - Lost Years: My 1,632 Days in Vietnamese Reeducation Camps

1989  Vojtech Mastny - Soviet Troop Withdrawals

1989  Wagner, Bernd - Erkenntnisse der Kriminalpolizei zu neofaschistischen Aktivitäten in der DDR

1989  Wilhelm Bruns - Von der Deutschlandpolitik zur DDR-Politik. Prämissen · Probleme · Perspektiven

1990  Abebe Zegeye - Forced Labour and Migration: Patterns of Movement within Africa

1990  Abramovitz, Moses - Thinking about growth and other essays on economic growth and welfare

1990  Adam, Yussuf - Foreign aid to Mozambique : needs and effects

1990  Anglin, Douglas G. - Ripe, Ripening or Overripe? Sanctions as an Inducement to Negotiations

1990  Anglin, Douglas G. - Southern African Responses to Eastern European Developments.

1990  Ardayfio-Schandorf, Elizabeth, Kate Kwafo-Akoto, eds. - Women in Ghana: A Bibliography

1990  Baker, Pauline H. - South Africa's Future. A Turbulent Transition

1990  Barber, James P. and Barratt, John - South Africa’s Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security

1990  Barrell, H. - MK: The ANC’s Armed Struggle

1990  Baynham, S. (1990) Security Strategies for a Future South Africa

1990  Becker, C. - The Impact of Sanctions on Incomes in South Africa and in the Frontline States.

1990  Berger, John (1990) Ways of Seeing. 
1990  Bertil Egerö - Mozambique A Dream Undone, 1975-84
1990  Buthelezi, M. G. - South Africa: My Vision of the Future. 

1990  Chabani Manganyi, André du Toit - Political Violence and the Struggle in South Africa

1990  Charles Bloomberg - Christian-Nationalism and the Rise of the Afrikaner Broederbond

1990  Charlton, Michael - The Last Colony in Africa: Diplomacy and the Independence of Rhodesia

1990  Christopher Andrew, Oleg Gordiewvsky - KGB - Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev

1990  Cohin, Robin, Yvonne Muthien, Abebe Zegeye - Repression and Resistance: Insider Accounts of Apartheid.

1990  Delius, P. - Migrants, Comrades and Rural Revolt

1990  Deng, Francis M., Abdullahi An-Na'im, eds. - Human Rights in Africa: Cross Cultural Perspectives. 

1990  Denis Berger - Le spectre défait - la fin du communisme

1990  Derlugian G. - Social Decomposition and Armed Violence in Postcolonial Mozambique

1990  Diamond, Larry - Three Paradoxes of Democracy.
1990  Donald Curtis, Michael Hubard - Preventing Famine: Policies and Prospects for Africa

1990  Dr. Ran Greenstein - SA Polical-Violence

1990  Dubow Saul - South Africa to the Sources of Apartheid
1990  Fine, B. - Defence Expenditure and the Post-Apartheid Economy

1990  Franz Greß, Hans-Gerd Jaschke, Klaus Schönekäs - Neue Rechte und Rechtsextremismus in Europa
1990  Frederikse, Julie - The Unbreakable Thread: Non-Racialism in South Africa. 

1990  Gaus Günter - Wendewut

1990  Gazankulu Department of Health and Welfare - Annual Report

1990  Geffray, Christian - La cause des armes au Mozambique. Anthropologie d’une guerre civile;

1990  Glenda Morgan - Violence in Mozambique - Towards an Understanding of Renamo

1990  Göttrik Wewer - DDR — Von der friedlichen Revolution zur deutschen Vereinigung
1990  Goodman M.A. - Gorbachev and Soviet Policy in the Third World

1990  Hall Margaret - RENAMO, A Study in the Destruction of an African Country

1990  Hansson, D. , and D. van Zyl Smit, eds. - Towards Justice? Crime and State Control in South Africa.

1990  Harden, Blaine - Africa, Dispatchesfrom a Fragile Continent.

1990  Harding, Leonhard Brigitte Reinwald - Afrika - Mutter und Modell der europäischen Zivilisation?

1990  Henkin, Louis - The Age of Rights. 

1990  Hermele, Kenneth - Mozambique Crossroads: Economics and Politics in the Era of Structural Adjustment

1990  Hirschmann David - Of monsters and devils. Black South African Perceptions of Capitalism and Socialism

1990  Holland, Heidi - The Struggle: A History of the African National Congress

1990  Isabel Casimiro, Ana Loforte, Ana Pessoa - A Mulher em Moçambique

1990  Isaacman, A. - Peasants and Rural Social Protest in Africa
1990 J.D.L. Moore - South Africa and Nuclear Proliferation
1990 Jackson, Robert - Quasi-states: Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World

1990 James Cobbe - Possible Negative Side Effects of Aid to South Africa's Neighbours
1990 Jeichande, Ivette UNICEF - Mulheres deslocadas em Maputo, Zambezia e Inhambane
1990 John S. Saul - Socialist Ideology and the Struggle for Southern Africa

1990 John Higginson - A Working Class in the Making
1990  Kempton D.R. - New Thinking and Soviet Policy towards South Africa
1990  Kentridge, Matthew - An Unofficial War: Inside the Conflict in Pietermaritzburg. 

1990  Leon Trotsky - The Revolution Betrayed: What Is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going? 
1990  Leroy Vail - The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa

1990  M. McCallin, S. Fozzard - The Impact of Traumatic Events. Mozambican Refugee Women and Children

1990  Manfred Glagow - Deutsche und internationale Entwicklungspolitik. Organisationen im Entwicklungsprozess der Dritten Welt

1990  Mabin, A. - Limits of urban transition model in understanding South African Urbanisation.

1990  Malan, Rian. - My Traitor’s Heart. London: Bodley Head.
1990  Marie Hersch - South Africa's Intra Regional Security: The Military and Intelligence Dimensions, 1961-1988

1990  Marks, S. , and P. Anderson - The Epidemiology and Culture of Violence

1990  Marta Maria Lopes - O Apartheid
1990  Maull Hanns W. - Südafrika vor dem Ende der Apartheid
1990  McFaul M. - The Demise of the World Revolutionary Process: Soviet-Angolan Relations Under Gorbachev

1990  McKendrick, B. and W. Hoffman, eds. - People and Violence in South Africa. 

1990  Meyns Peter - Reformprozesse im Portugiesischsprachigen Afrika
1990  Meyns, Peter - Entwicklung und Fehlentwicklung des Sozialismus in Afrika und der Dritten Welt

1990  Michel L. Martin - Le Soldat Africain et le Politique

1990  Morgan Glenda - Violence in Mozambique: Towards an Understanding of Renamo
1990  Nadine Gordimer - My Son's Story
1990  Niederländer, Loni - Zu den Ursachen rechtsradikaler Tendenzen in der DDR. Berlin. In: Neue Justiz

1990  Nilsson, Anders - Unmasking the Bandits - The True Face of the MNR
1990  Norman Miller, Richard C. Rockwell - AIDS in Africa: The Social and Policy Impact
1990  OMM-UNICEF - Mulheres Deslocadas em Maputo, Zambezia e Inhambane
1990  Panos Publication - The 3rd Epidemic - Repercussions of the Fear of AIDS
1990  Pap Khouma - I Was an Elephant Salesman
1990  Patman, Robert - The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa.
1990  Patrick Molutsi, John Holm - Developing Democracy When Civil Society Is Weak

1990  Peter Deriabin, T.H. Bagley - The KGB. Masters of the Soviet Union 
1990  Pogrund, Benjamin - Sobukwe and Apartheid.
1990  Price, Robert T. - The Apartheid State in Crisis
1990  Radu M. - The New Insurgencies: Anticommunist Guerillas in the Third World
1990  Richard Carver - Called to Account: How African Governments Investigate Human Rights Violations

1990  Robert E. Edgar - Sanctioning Apartheid
1990  Robert Jaster - The Defence of White Power: South African Foreign Policy under Pressure
1990  Roesch, Otto - Is RENAMO a Popular Movement in Mozambique?

1990  Rüdiger Schmitt - Die Friedensbewegung in der BRD
1990  Sachs Albie - The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter
1990  Sachs, A. - Protecting Human Rights in a New South Africa. 
1990  Samir Amin - The Future of Socialism
1990  Saul, John - Socialist Ideology and the Struggle for Southern Africa.

1990  Schleicher, Hans Georg - Die Afrikapolitik der DDR: Versuch einer Nachbetrachtung
1990  Sheridan Johns - From Protest to Challenge_ A Documentary History of African Politics in South Africa

1990  Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje - Mafeking Diary_ A Black Man's View of a White Man's War
1990  Sparks, Allister. - The Mind of Africa. 

1990  Stephan Raabe, Hanns W. Maull - Südafrika. Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft vor dem Ende der Apartheid

1990  Thaysen, Uwe - Der Runde Tisch. Oder: Wo blieb das Yolk? Der Weg der DDR in die Demokratie
1990  United Nations - The Emergency Situation in Mozambique: Priority requirements for the period 1990-91

1990  van den Berghe, Pierre L. ed. - State Violence and Ethnicity. 
1990  Vines, Alex - The Situation of Women and Children in Mozambique
1990  Weinberger C. - Fighting For Peace

1990  White Luise - The Comforts of Home: Prostitution in Colonial Nairobi
1990  Wiseman John - Democracy and the One-Party State in Africa
1990  Wolpe, Harold - Race, Class and the Apartheid State. Trenton, 
1990  World Bank - Sub-Saharan Africa. From Crisis to Sustainable Growth. A Long-Term Perspective Study

1990  Young, Tom - The MNR/Renamo: External and Internal Dynamics

1991 - 2000

1991  Adbullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, Francis M. Deng - Human Rights in Africa

1991  Adam, Ehrfried - The case of Mozambique : the failure of state socialist development in Africa

1991  Ake, Claude. - Rethinking African Democracy.

1991  Albie Sachs - The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter
1991  Alex Vines - Renamo: Terrorism in Mozambique

1991  Anderson, B., - Imagined Communities: Reflections On the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

1991  Arat, Zehra F. - Democracy and Human Rights in Developing Countries.

1991  Anglin, Douglas G. - South African Relations with Southern Africa: Continuity or Change?

1991  Baskin, Jeremy. - Striking Back: A History of Cosatu

1991  Ben Okri - The Famished Road
1991  Bennett, O. (ed) - Greenwar. Environment and Conflict

1991  Berg, Robert J. - Foreign Aid in Africa: Here's the answer. Is it relevant to the question?

1991  Bond, Patrick. - Commanding Heights and Community Control: New Economics for a New South Africa.

1991  Booth, K. (ed) - New Thinking About Strategy and International Security. 

1991  Boothby Neil, Upton Peter & Sultan Abubacar - Children of Mozambique: The Cost of Survival

1991  Boothby, Neil - Reuniting Unaccompanied Children and Families in Mozambique
1991  Brzoska, M. - Arming South Africa in the Shadow of the UN Arms Embargo. In Defence Analysis

1991  Charney, Craig. - Vigilantes, Clientelism and the South African State

1991  Christie, Grania. - AIDS in South Africa.
1991  Christopher Andrew, Oleg Gordiewvsky - Comrade Kryuchkov's Instructions

1991  Cilliers, J. - Integrating the Military into Democracy: The South African Soldier as a Citizen in Uniform

1991  Cohen, Stephen Philip. (1991) Conflict Resolution: Principles in Practice

1991  Cole P. Dodge, Magne Raundalen - Reaching Children in War

1991  Coleman, Keith. - Nationalisation: Beyond the Slogans

1991  Collins, Peter. - “Pigs, Farmers and Other Animals.” In The Watershed Years 

1991  Correia, Pedro Pezarat - Descolonização de Angola: A Jóia da Coroa do Império Português 

1991  Crush, J. & Wilmot, J. - Depopulating the compounds: Migrant labour and mine housing in South Africa

1991  Dauber, Heinrich (Hg.) - »Nicht als Abentheurer bin ich hierhergekommen...« 100 Jahre Entwicklungs-»Hilfe«

1991  Davenport, R. - Historical background of the apartheid city to 1948, in Apartheid city in transition

1991  De Klerk, Michael, ed. - A Harvest of Discontent: The Land Question in South Africa.

1991  De Klerk, Willem - F. W. de Klerk: The Man in His Time
1991  Dr. Everatt - Who is Murdering the Peace

1991  Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - Hannah Arendt. Leben, Werk und Zeit 
1991  Ellis Stephen - The ANC in Exile

1991  Filatova, Irina. - One, Two or Many? Aspects of the South African Debate on the Concept of Nation.

1991  Fine, Robert, with Dennis Davis. (1991) Beyond Apartheid: Labour and Liberation in South Africa.

1991  Fredrickson, George M. - African Americans and African Africans.

1991  Geffray, Christian - A Causa das Armas

1991  Giordano, Ralph - Israel, um Himmels willen, Israel
1991  Glaeßner, Gert-Joachim - Der schwierige Weg zur Demokratie - Vom Ende der DDR zur deutschen Einheit

1991  Glenn P. Hastedt (editor) - Controlling Intelligence

1991  Hanlon, Joseph - Mozambique: Who Calls the Shots?

1991  Hanlon, Joseph - Successes and Future Prospects of Sanctions Against South Africa  

1991  Havel Václav - Open Letters

1991  Heard, Tony - The Cape of Storms: A Personal History of the Crisis in South Africa. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.

1991  Henderson W. - The Unbreakable Thread: Non-Racialism in South Africa

1991  Horowitz, Donald L. - A Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society.

1991  Huntington, Samuel P.  - Democracy's Third Wave

1991  Hyslop, Jonathan - Food Authority and Politics: Student Riots in South African Schools 1945–1976

1991  Jeffery, Anthea. - Riot Policing in Perspective. Johannesburg: SA Institute of Race Relations

1991  Johns, S. , and R. Hunt Davis - Mandela, Tambo and the African National Congress 1948–1990.

1991  Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff - Of Revelation and Revolution, Volume 1 and 2
1991  Joseph, Richard - Africa: The Rebirth of Political Freedom
1991  Kahn O.E. - Disengagement from Southwest Africa
1991  Keyan Tomaselli - The Cinema of Apartheid. Race and Class in South African Film
1991  Klitgaard, Robert - Political Corruption: Strategies for Reform
1991  Krüger-Potratz, Marianne - Anderssein gab es nicht: Ausländer und Minderheiten in der DDR

1991  Lee, R. , and L. Schlemmer, eds. - Transition to Democracy: Policy Perspectives. 

1991  Lefebvre, H. - Nicholson-Smith, D. (Trans.), The Production of Space.

1991  Leimgruber Walter - Kalter Krieg um Afrika: Die amerikanische Afrikapolitik unter Präsident Kennedy 1961 bis 1963

1991  Lemon, A (ed). - Homes apart: South Africa’s segregated cities. 

1991  Léopold Sédar Senghor - Prière aux masques (Gebet an die Masken)

1991  Lodge, Tom - “Rebellion: The Turning of the Tide.” In All, Here, and Now: Black Politics in South Africa in the 1980s, 

1991  Lorbeer, Marie Beate Wild - Menschenfresser - Negerküsse...Das Bild vom Fremden im deutschen Alltag

1991  Mabin, A. - The dynamics of urbanisation since 1960, in Apartheid city in transition

1991  Manganyi, N. Chabani. - Treachery and Innocence: Psychology and Racial Difference. 

1991  Mbeki, Govan - Learning from Robben Island: The Prison Writings of Govan Mbeki

1991  McCormick, Shawn. - “Angola: The Road to Peace,.” CSIS Africa Notes Washington

1991  Moll, Peter, ed. - Redistribution: How Can It Work in South Africa? 

1991  Nadine Gordimer - Jump and Other Stories

1991  Nathan, L. - Riding the Tiger: The Integration of Armed Forces and the Post-apartheid Military

1991  Neil Boothby, Peter Upton, Abubacar Sultan, US Committee for Refugees - Children of Mozambique - The Cost of Survival

1991  Oda van Cranenburgh - The Widening Gyre: The Tanzanian One-Party State and Policy towards Rural Cooperatives

1991  O’Dowd, Michael. - The New National Party and the Politics of Negotiation

1991  Pampallis, John - Foundations of the New South Africa.

1991  Patrick Bond - Commanding Heights & Community Control

1991  Pauw, J.- In the Heart of the Whore: The Story of Apartheid’s Death Squads.

1991  Pityana, Barney, et al., eds. - Bounds of Possibility: The Legacy of Steve Biko and Black Consciousness. 

1991  Posel, D. - Curbing African urbanisation, in Apartheid city in transition

1991  Quarterly Report on Women and the Military (1991) Women and War: Observations from the Field

1991  Ramcharan, B.G. - Strategies for the International Protection of Human Rights in the 1990s.

1991  Robert M. Price - The Apartheid State in Crisis
1991  Robertson, M. ed. - Human Rights for South Africans. 
1991  Sassen, S., - The Global City: New York

1991  Saul, John - “South Africa: Between ‘Barbarism’ and ‘Structural Reform.’ ” New Left Review 188 (July–August)

1991  Seekings, J. - “Inkatha and the Origins of ‘Hostel’ Violence on the Witwatersrand, 1990–91.”

1991  Seymor M. Hersh - Atommacht Israel - Das geheime Vernichtungspotential im Nahen Osten

1991  Simpson, G. , et al. - “Political Violence in 1990: The Year in Perspective.” Project for the Study of Violence.

1991  Sklar, Richard L.,; C.S. Whitaker - African Politics and Problems in Development. 

1991  Smit, D. - From anonymity to notoriety: Hostels in South Africa
1991  Susan C. Crouch - Western Responses to Tanzanian Socialism 1967-83
1991  Taylor, Rupert. - The Myth of Ethnic Division: Township Conflict on the Reef

1991  Thomas, C. - New Directions in Thinking about Security in the Third World

1991  van Zyl Slabbert, F. - “Political Implications of Post-Apartheid South Africa 

1991  Wesley K. Wark, Stuart Farson, David Stafford - Security and Intelligence in a Changing World

1991  Wilson, Ken - Cults of Violence and Counter-Violence in Mozambique

1991  Wood B. - Preventing the Vacuum: Determinants of the Namibia Settlement

1991  World Health Organization - Renamo: Terrorism in Mozambique

1992  Abedian, I. and B. Standish, eds. - Economic Growth in South Africa

1992  Adam, Heribert, and Kogila Moodley - Democratizing Southern Africa: Challenges for Canadian Policy

1992  Adeola James - In Their Own Voices: African Women Writers Talk

1992  Adrian Hastings - Church and State in Southern Africa

1992  Alexander, Neville - ‘Robben Island: A Site of Struggle’

1992  Althoetmar, Katrin - SchlagZeilen. Rostock: Rassismus in den Medien
1992  Ama Ata Aidoo - Changes
1992  Andersson, Hillary - Mozambique. A War against the People

1992  Astrid von Borcke - Der KGB in der sowjetischen Außen- und Sichrheitspolitik

1992  Astrid von Borcke - Sinn und Unsinn der Geheimdienste

1992  A. Foitzik, R. Leiprecht, A. Marvakis, U. Seid - Ein Herrenvolk von Untertanen. Rassismus, Nationalismus, Sexismus

1992  Bauzon, Kenneth, ed. Development and Democratization in the Third World: Myths, Hopes and Realities

1992  Berridge, G. R. - South Africa, the Colonial Powers and ‘African Defence

1992  Birmingham, David - Frontline Nationalism in Angola and Mozambique 

1992  Blumenfeld, J. - Economic Interdependence in Southern Africa: From Conflict to Cooperation.

1992  Bortfeldt, Heinrich - Von der SED zur PDS. Wandlung zur Demokratie?

1992  Bmbaker, Rogers - Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany

1992  Brzoska, M. & Lock, P. (eds) - Restructuring of Arms Production in Western Europe

1992  Buys, A. - The Future of the South African Armaments Industry

1992  Cabrita,Felicia - Os mortos nã̈o morrem

1992  Caron, B., A. Gboyega, and E. Osaghoe, eds. Democratic Transition in Africa. 

1992  Cawthra, Gavin. - The State of the Police: The South African Police and the Transition to Post-Apartheid Society. 

1992  Chidester, D. - Shots in the Streets: Religion and Violence in South Africa. 

1992  Christie, Pam. - The Right to Learn: The Struggle for Education in South Africa

1992  Christopher M.Andrew - Top Secret Files on KGB Global Operations 1975-1985

1992  Clara Deniz Buelhoff - Why did Renamo sign the Rome Peace Accord in 1992?

1992  Clough, Michael W. - Free at Last? U.S. Policy toward Africa and the End of the Cold War.

1992  Cock, J. - Colonels and Cadres: War and Gender in South Africa. 

1992  Crocker, Chester - High Noon in Southern Africa: Making Peace in a Rough Neighbourhood.

1992  Crush, Jonathan - The genealogy of the compound

1992  Crush, Jonathan - Liquor and Labor in Southern Africa

1992  Cunha, Carlos A. - The Portuguese Communist Party’s Strategy for Power, 1921–1996 

1992  Deacon, Harriet ed. - The Island: A History of Robben Island, 1488–1990. 

1992  Derian, James. - Antidiplomacy: Spies, terror, speed, and war. 

1992  Dugard, John et al. - The Last Years of Apartheid: Civil Liberties in South Africa

1992  E. O. Okeem - Education in Africa: Search for Realistic Alternatives

1992  Ellis, Stephen, and Sechaba Tsepo - Comrades against Apartheid: The ANC and the South African Communist Party in Exile. 

1992  Everett, David, and Elinor Sisulu, eds. - Black Youth in Crisis: Facing the Future. 

1992  Finnegan, William - A Complicated War: The Harrowing of Mozambique

1992  Fírinne Ní Chréacháin - 'If I Were a Woman, I'd Never Marry an African’

1992  Gareth M. Winrow - The Foreign Policy of the GDR in Africa
1992  Graham Furniss - Oral Culture and the Making of Meaning

1992  Habermas, Jürgen - Faktizität und Geltung

1992  Heinemann, K.H. Schubarth, W.- Der antifaschistische Staat entläßt seine Kinder

1992  Jäger, Siegfried Franz Januschek - Der Diskurs des Rassismus. DISS- Kolloquium November 1991

1992  James Manor - Rethinking Third World Politics

1992  John Lewis Gaddis - The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations

1992  Joseph Hanlon - Mozambique: Who Calls the Shots?
1992  June Milne - Kwame Nkrumah: The Conakry Years: His Life and Letters
1992  Kenney, Henry. - Power, Pride and Prejudice. 
1992  Kriger, Norma J. - Zimbabwe's Guerilla War. Peasant Voices

1992  Lagon M.P. - The International System and the Reagan Doctrine

1992  Malkki, L., - The rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity

1992  Mallaby, Sebastian. - After Apartheid: The Future of South Africa. 

1992  Maller, Judy. - Conflict and Co-operation: Case Studies in Worker Participation

1992  Manzo, Kathryn. - Domination, Resistance and Social Change in South Africa

1992  Maré, Gerhard - Brothers Born of Warrior Blood: Politics and Ethnicity in South Africa

1992  Martin Plaut - Debates in a Shark Tank - The Politics of South Africa's Non-Racial Trade Unions

1992  Marx, A. - Lessons of Struggle: South African Internal Opposition 1960– 1990

1992  Mbeki, Govan - The Struggle for Liberation in South Africa. 

1992  Melber, Henning - Der Weißheit letzter Schluss. Rassismus und kolonialer Blick

1992  M.M. Khosa - Routes, Ranks and Rebels - Feuding in the Taxi Revolution

1992  Morris, M, & Hindson, DC. - The disintegration of apartheid: From violence to reconstruction 

1992  Naidoo, Phyllis - Le Rona Re Batho: An Account of the 1982 Maseru Massacre 

1992  Nigel Hamilton - John F. Kennedy: Reckless Youth
1992  Nyong'o, Peter Anyang. - Africa: The Failure of One-party Rule

1992  O'Laughlin Bridget - Interpretations Matter: Evaluating the War in Mozambique

1992  Owen, David - Time to Declare

1992  Owen, Ken. - In Our Times. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball.

1992  Pityana, Sipho Mila, and Mark Orkin, eds.- Beyond the Factory Floor: A Survey of Cosatu Shop-Stewards 

1992  Republic of Mozambique - A Demobilization and Reintegration Programme

1992  Richard Gray - Black Christians and White Missionaries
1992  Roesch, Otto - Mozambique Unravels? The Retreat of Tradition
1992  Samuel Decalo - The Process, Prospects and Constraints of Democratization in Africa
1992  Samuel Decalo - Coups and Army Rule in Africa: Motivations and Constraints
1992  Sandra Burman, Pamela Reynolds - Growing up in a Divided Society
1992  Schrire, Robert. - Adapt or Die: The End of White Politics in South Africa. 

1992  Segal L. - The Human Face of Violence. Hostel Dwellers Speak

1992  Schuler, Margaret; Sakuntala Kadirgamar-Rajasingham - Legal Literacy

1992  Shain, Yossi; Juan J. Linz - The Role of Interim Governments

1992  Stephen Chan - Exporting Apartheid: Foreign Policies in Southern Africa 1978-1988
1992  Warner, D., - We Are All Refugees. International Journal of Refugee Law

1992  Wilson K.B. - Cults of Violence and Counter-Violence in Mozambique

1993  André du Toit - Understanding South African Political Violence

1993  Barrell, Howard - Conscripts to Their Age: ANC Operational Strategy, 1976– 1986. 

1993  Basner, Miriam - Am I an African? The Political Memoirs of H. M. Basner

1993  Behrend, Heike - Alice und die Geister. Krieg im Norden Ugandas
1993  Bonner, P. et al. - Apartheid’s Genesis, 1935–1962 

1993  Brian Crozier - Free Agent - The Unseen War 1941-91

1993  Campbell, H. - The Dismantling of the Apartheid Military 

1993  Claudius Wenzel - Südafrika-Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1982 – 1992

1993  Comaroff , J. and J. - Modernity and Its Malcontents: Ritual and Power in Postcolonial Africa. 

1993  EIR Investigative Team - Tiny Rowland The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa
1993  Eriksen, T.H., - Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives, 

1993  E.S. Reddy - Gandhi and South Africa, 1914-1948
1993  Gilbey, Emma - The Lady: The Life and Times of Winnie Mandela. 
1993  Grosskopf, Hein - Artistic Graves. 

1993  Grunenberg, Antonia - Antifaschismus. Ein deutscher Mythos.

1993  Hans-Joachim Wenzel, Ulrich Weyl - Eigenständige ländliche und kleinbäuerliche Entwicklung in Mosambik?

1993  Harnischmacher, Robert - Angriff von Rechts. Rechtsextremismus und Neonazismus unter Jugendlichen Ostberlins

1993  Helmut Willems - Fremdenfeindliche Gewalt
1993  Heribert Adam, Kogila Moodley - The Opening of the Apartheid Mind
1993  Howlett, D. & Simpson, J. - Nuclearisation and Denuclearisation in South Africa. Survival
1993  Jäger, Siegfried Jürgen Link - Die vierte Gewalt. Rassismus in den Medien
1993  Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff - Modernity and its malcontents: ritual and power in postcolonial Africa

1993  John S. Saul - Recolonization and Resistance Southern Africa in the 1990s

1993  John Sack - An Eye for an Eye. The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust
1993  Ken Jowitt - New World Disorder

1993  Kerr, Joanne. - Ours by Right: Women s Rights as Human Rights. 

1993  Klaus Wahl - Gewalt gegen Fremde_ Rechtsradikale, Skinheads und Mitläufer

1993  Mahoney, Kathleen, and Paul Mahoney, eds. Human Rights in the 21. Century: A Global Challenge. 

1993  Mali, T. Chris Hani - The Sun That Set before Dawn. 

1993  Margaret Thatcher - The Downing Street Years
1993  Martin, Peter - Schwarze Teufel, edle Mohren. Afrikaner in Bewusstsein und Geschichte der Deutschen

1993  Minaar A. - Hostels and Violent Conflict on the Reef - Communities in Isolation
1993  Neil Boothby - Reuniting Unaccompanied Children and Families in Mozambique

1993  Noer, T. J. - International Credibility and Political Survival: The Ford Administration’s Intervention in Angola

1993   Noam Chomsky - Was Onkel Sam wirklich wil

1993  Ottaway, David - Chained Together: Mandela, De Klerk and the Struggle to Remake South Africa.

1993  Payze, C & Keith, T. - Everyday life in South African hostels, in Communities in isolation

1993  Peter Godwin, Ian Hancock - Rhodesians Never Die - The Impact of War and Political Change 

1993  Ramphele, M. - A bed called home: Life in the migrant labour hostels of Cape Tow

1993  Ramsey Clark - Wüstensturm : US-Kriegsverbrechen am Golf

1993  Raoul Granqvist - Culture in Africa
1993  Robert Pitta, Jeff Fannell - South African Special Forces
1993  Robert Scott Jaster, Shirley Kew Jaster - South Africa’s Other Whites

1993  Rüdiger, Klaus H. - Die Namibia-Deutschen. Geschichte einer Nationalität im Werden

1993  Sholto Cross, Alan Whiteside - Facing up to AIDS - Impact in Southern Africa

1993  Stephen Castles - The Age of Migration 

1993  Süß, Walter - Zu Wahrnehmung und Interpretation des Rechtsextremismus in der DDR durch das MfS. Berlin

1993  Thatcher, Margaret - The Downing Street Years 

1993  Thomas Borstelmann - Apartheid's Reluctant Uncle. The United States and Southern Africa in the Early Cold War

1993  Wentzel, M. - Historical origins of hostels in South Africa: Migrant labour and compounds, in Communities in isolation

1993  Woods, G. - Hostel dwellers. A socio-psychological and humanistic perspective on hostels in South Africa

1994  African National Congress - The Reconstruction and Development Programme

1994  Alexander, Neville - Robben Island Prison Dossier, 1964–1974. 

1994  Ana Leao - Weapons in Mozambique - Reducing Availibility and Demand
1994  Benson, Mary - Nelson Mandela: The Man and the Movement. 
1994  Berger, Michelle - “Chris Hani.” In They Fought for Freedom,

1994  Bernstein, Hilda - The Rift: The Exile Experience of South Africans. 

1994  Booth, K. - A Security Regime in Southern Africa: Theoretical Considerations

1994  Bruce D. Porter - War and the Rise of the State

1994  Buttedahl, P. - True Measures of Human Security. IDRC Report, October 1994.

1994  Cameron Hume - Ending Mozambique's War

1994  Chingono, Mark - The Political Economy of War in Mozambique: State, Violence and Development

1994  Chingono, Mark - War, Social Change and Development in Mozambique. Catastrophe or Creation of a New Society

1994  Claire Sterling - Thieves' World - The Threat of the New Global Network of Organized Crime

1994  Clarke, V. - Hostel initiatives: An urban reconstruction and development perspective

1994  Cock, J. - Demobilisation and Democracy: The Need for a Soldiers Charter

1994  Crush, J. - Scripting the compound: Power and space in the South African mining industry

1994  Davies, G & Goldschmidt, K. - Integrating hostels into communities. Hostel initiatives: Johannesburg

1994  De Jongh, M., - Mozambican refugee resettlement: survival strategies of involuntary migrants in South Africa

1994  Fontanel, J. - The Economics of Disarmament: A Survey, Defence and Peace Economics

1994  Guerra, João Paulo - Memória das Guerras Coloniais 

1994  Henkel, Rüdiger - Im Dienste der Staatspartei. Über Parteien und Organisationen der DDR

1994  Human Rights Watch Arms Project - Angola: Arms Trade and Violations of the Laws of War Since the 1992 Elections

1994  Hutton, Barbara - Robben Island: Symbol of Resistance. 

1994  Ingrid Koeppe - KoKo-Untersuchungsausschuss

1994  Jeanne Penvenne - African Workers and Colonial Racism. Mozambican Strategies and Struggle
1994  Joschka Fischer - Krise und Zukunft der deutschen Politik
1994  Kaplan, R. - The Coming Anarchy. The Atlantic Monthly

1994  Katrin Cooper - Nonprofit-Marketing von Entwicklungshilfe-Organisationen

1994  Keane, Fergal - The Bondage of Fear: A Journey Through the Last White Empire. 

1994  Klare, M. - The Global Trade in Light Weapons and the International System in the Post-Cold War Era

1994  Konrad H. Jarausch - The Rush to German Unity

1994  Lazerson, Joshua N. - Against the Tide: Whites in the Struggle Against Apartheid. 

1994  Mandela, Nelson - Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

1994  Minnaar, Anthony, Ian Liebenberg and Charl Schutte - The Hidden Hand: Covert Operations in South Africa

1994  Minter William - Apartheid's Contras - An Inquiry into the Roots of War in Angola and Mozambique

1994  Minter William, Kathi Austin - Invisible Crimes
1994  Moodie, D. - Going for gold: Men, mines and migration
1994  Moorcraft, Paul - Africa Nemesis:War and Revolution in Southern Africa 1945–2010

1994  Mwezi Twala - Mbokodo Inside MK

1994  Newitt, Malyn - A History of Mozambique 

1994  Norman A. Graham - Seeking Security and Development

1994  Ohlson, T. & Stedman, S. - The New is Not Yet Born: Conflict Resolution in Southern Africa

1994  Patrick Harris - Migrant Laborers in Mozambique and South Africa 1860-1910

1994  Peter Gill - Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State

1994  Rayda Jacobs - The Middle Children

1994  Reynolds, Andrew (ed.) - Election ’94, South Africa. 

1994  Sebastian Siebel-Achenbach - Lower Silesia from Nazi Germany to Communist Poland, 1942–49

1994  Smith, D. - War, Peace and Third World Development. United Nations Development Programme

1994  Thomas, Scott - The Diplomacy of Liberation: The Foreign Relations of the African National Congress since 1960. 

1994  Twala, Mwezi, and Ed Benard. Mbokodo - Inside MK: A Soldier’s Story

1994  Wamba-dia-Wamba - Africa in Search of a new Mode of Politics

1994  Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich v. - Der bedrohte Friede - heute

1994  Wesley K. Wark - Espionage_ Past, Present and Future

1994  Wilson, Henry S. - African Decolonization 

1994  Yvonne Vera - Nehanda

1995  Ayi Kwei Armah - Osiris Rising

1995  Abrahamsson, Hans - Mozambique, the Troubled Transition

1995  Ayoob, M. - The Third World Security Predicament: State Making, Regional Conflict and the International System.

1995  Bell, Linda A. David Blumenfeld (1995) Overcoming Racism and Sexism

1995  Borstelmann, Thomas - Apartheid’s Reluctant Uncle: United States and Southern Africa in the Early Cold War 

1995  Brendalyn P. Ambrose - Democratization and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa_ Problems and Prospects

1995  Claude Ake - Democracy and Development in Africa

1995  Davies, R., Head, J., - The future of mine migrancy in Southern Africa. 

1995  Dinesh D'Souza - The End of Racism

1995  François Furet - Le Passé d’une illusion. Essai sur l’idée communiste au XXe siècle

1995  Guillaumin, C. - Racism, Sexism, Power and Ideology

1995  Hirson, Baruch - The Revolutions in My Life.

1995  Jackson, Steven F. - ‘China’s Third World Foreign Policy: The Case of Angola and Mozambiuqe, 1961–93’

1995  Jasso, G., Rosenzweig, M., - Do immigrants screened for skills do better than family reunification immigrants?

1995  Jeanne Marie Penvenne - African Workers and Colonial Racism

1995  Joffe, Joel - The Rivonia Story. 

1995  Kaff, Brigitte (Hg.) - "Gefährliche politische Gegner". Widerstand und Verfolgung in der sowjetischen Zone

1995  Liesegang G. - Der Bürgerkrieg in Mosambik ca. 1980-1992. Abläufe und struktureller Wandel des Landes’

1995  Lundin, Iraê, F. J. Machava - Autoridade e poder tradicional,Vol. I

1995  Norman M. Naimark - The Russians in Germany. A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949

1995  Reed-Anderson, Paulette - Die Anfange der afrikanischen Diaspora in Berlin

1995  Rommelspacher, Birgit - Dominanzkultur. Texte zu Fremdheit und Macht

1995  Taguieff, Pierre André - Les Fins de l'Àntiracisme

1995  The Swiss Political Science Review - Die internationale Politik zur Eindämmung von Rüstungstransfers

1995  Thompson, L., - A History of South Africa. 

1995  Wieviorka, Michel - The Arena of Racism

1995  Willett, S. & Batchelor, P. - To Trade or Not to Trade: The Costs and Benefits of South Africa s Arms Trade. 

1995  World Bank - Labor and the growth crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa

1995  Zakes Mda - Ways of Dying

1996  Alden, Chris - Apartheid’s Last Stand: The Rise and Fall of the South African Security State 

1996  Annette Seegers - Military and the Making of Modern South Africa

1996  Antunes, José Freire - Jorge Jardim: Agente Secreto 
1996  Antunes, José Freire (ed.) - A Guerra de África, 1961–1974, 2 vols 

1996  Baskin, J. - Labour and Economic Policiy in South Africa

1996  Benson, Mary - A Far Cry: The Making of a South African. 

1996  Bernardo, Manuel Amaro - Marcello e Spínola: A Ruptura. As Forças Armadas e a Imprensa na Queda do Estado novo

1996  Brett, Rachel and Margaret McCallin - Children, The invisible soldier. 

1996  Butchart, A. - The industrial panopticon: Mining and the medical construction of migrant African labour in South Africa,

1996  Cooke, J. - The anatomy of the migrant labour hostels 

1996  Gevisser, Mark - Portraits of Power: Profiles in a Changing South Africa

1996  Goldhagen, Daniel J. - Hitler's Willing Executioners. Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

1996  Johnson, R. W., and Lawrence Schlemmer - Launching Democracy in South Africa: The First Open Election, April 1994

1996  Kaplan, G.A., - People and places: contrasting perspectives on the association between social class and health

1996  Lefkowitz, Mary R - Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History

1996  Lynne Viola - Peasant Rebels Under Stalin. Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance

1996  Mamdani, Mahmood - Citizen and Subject

1996  Matthias Vetter - Terroristische Diktaturen im 20. Jahrhundert: Nationalsozialistische und stalinistischen Herrschaft

1996  O’Meara, Dan - Forty Lost Years: The Apartheid State and the Politics of the National Party, 1948–1994

1996  Peter Strunk - Zensur und Zensoren. Medienkontrolle und Propagandapolitik unter sowjetischer Besatzungsherrschaft

1996  Republic of South Africa - Restructuring the Labour Market

1996  Rubinstein, S & Otten, N. - Towards transformation: Lessons from the Hostels Redevelopment Programme

1996  Sibeko, Archie, with Joyce Leeson - Freedom in Our Lifetime. 
1996  Smith, C et al. - Small Arms Management and Peacekeeping in Southern Africa. United Nations, 

1996  Sparks, Allister - Tomorrow Is Another Country: The Inside Story of South Africa’s Road to Change. 

1996  Wunschik, Tobias - Das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Terrorismus in Deutschland

1996   Yvonne Vera - Under the Tongue

1997   Adam, Heribert, Frederik van Zyl Slabbert and Kogila Moodley - Comrades in Business: Post-Liberation Politics in South Africa

1997  Alba, R., Nee, V., - Rethinking assimilation theory for a new era of immigration.

1997  Bridgland, Fred - Katiza’s Journey: Beneath the Surface of South Africa’s Shame. 

1997  Cann, John P. - Counterinsurgency in Africa: The Portuguese Way of War

1997  Daniels, Jesse - White Lies. Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in White Supremacist Discourse

1997  Dolan, C., - The Changing Status of Mozambicans in South Africa. Repatriation and Re-integration

1997  Hall, Margaret and Tom Young - Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique since Independence 

1997  Hynes, Samuel - The Soldiers’ Tale: Bearing Witness to Modern War. 

1997  Karis, Thomas G. and Gail M. Gerhart - From Protest to Challenge: History of African Politics

1997  McQueen, Norrie - The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan Revolution and the Dissolution of Empire

1997  Renwick, Robin - Unconventional Diplomacy in Southern Africa 
1997  Slovo, Gillian - Every Secret Thing. 
1997  Smith, Ian - The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith 

1997  Willett, S. - Military Spending Trends and Developments in Southern Africa

1997   Wright, George - The Destruction of a Nation: United States’ Policy towards Angola since 1945 

1998   Alain Mabanckou - Bleu Blanc Rouge

1998   Alain Besançon - Le malheur du siècle : sur le communisme, le nazisme et l'unicité de la Shoah 

1998   Barker, Peter - From the SED to the PDS: Continuity or Renewal?

1998  Chuka Onwumechili - African Democratization and Military Coups

1998  Coleman, M. - A Crime Against Humanity
1998  de Klerk, F. W. - The Last Trek—a New Beginning: The Autobiography. 

1998  De Vletter, Fion - Sons of Mozambique. Mozambican Miners

1998  Demissie, F. - In the shadow of the gold mines: Migrancy and mine housing in South Africa

1998  Ditfurth, Christian v. - Ostalgie oder linke Alternative? Meine Reise durch die PDS

1998  Edwards, David - The Compassionate Revolution: Radical Politics and Buddhism

1998  Gonçalves, Fernando - Ideological Shifts: Southern African States and the Mozambican Peace Process

1998  Guimarães, Fernando Andresen - The Origins of the Angolan Civil War

1998  Human Rights Watch - 'Prohibited Persons'. Abuse of Undocumented Migrants

1998  James C. Scott - Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed

1998  Krog, Antjie - Country of My Skull. 

1998  Loth, Wilfred - Stalin’s unwanted child. The Soviet Union, the German Question and the founding of the GDR.

1998  Martin S. Alexander - Knowing Your Friends. Intelligence Inside Alliances and Coalitions from 1914 to the Cold War

1998  McGregor, Joanne - Violence and Social Change in a Border Economy. War in the Maputo Hinterland, 1984–1992

1998  Minkley, Gary, and Ciraj Rassool - “Orality, Memory, and Social History in South Africa.” 

1998  Peberdy, S. Crush, J. - Rooted in Racism. The Aliens Control Act

1998  Pitcher, M. Anne - Disruption Without Transformation: Nampula Province, 1975–1995

1998  Sengulane, Dínis S./Gonçalves, Jaime Pedro - A Calling for Peace: Reconciliation in Mozambique,

1998  Simon Wiesenthal - The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness 

1988  Teschner, Dirk - Junge Faschisten in der DDR. Berlin. In: telegraph, 3/4/1998

1998  Thompson, Willie - The communist movement since 1945. 

1998  Vojtech Mastny - The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: The Stalin Years

1998  Wilfried Loth - Stalin’s Unwanted Child. The Soviet Union, the German Question and the Founding of the GDR

1998  Wolf, Markus - Die Kunst der Verstellung

1998  Wolle, Stefan - Die heile Welt der Diktatur. Alltag und Herrschaft in der DDR. 1971– 1989. 

1999  Amnesty International - Child Soldier, One of the worst abuses of child labour

1999  Anthony Clayton - Frontiersmen - Warfare in Africa

1999  Bernstein, Lionel - Memory against Forgetting: Memoirs from a Life in South African Politics,

1999  Brito, J. M. Brandão de (ed.) - Do Marcelismo ao Fim do Império 

1999  Carol B. Thompson - Beyond Civil Society/ Child Soldiers as Citizens in Mozambique

1999  Crush, J., Williams, V., - The New South Africans? The Immigration Amnesties and Their Aftermath.

1999  Cunhal, Álvaro - A Verdade e a Mentira na Revolução de Abril (A Contra-Revolução Confessa-se)

1999  Dolan, C.,  -Repatriation from South Africa to Mozambique – undermining durable solutions? 

1999  Drumond, Jaime and Helder Barber - Angola: Depoimentos para a História Recente (1950–1976), vol. 1

1999  Frankel, Glenn - Rivonia’s Children. 

1999  François Furet; Deborah Furet - The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century
1999  Hadland, Adrian and Jovial Rantao - The Life and Times of Thabo Mbeki. 

1999  Hesi Carmel - Intelligence for Peace: The Role of Intelligence in Times of Peace

1999  John O Koehler - Stasi. The Untold Story Of The East German Secret Police

1999  J.M. Cotzee - Disgrace

1999  Janusz Bardach, Kathleen Gleeson, Adam Hochschild - Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag

1999  John Lewis - Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb Nuclear Diplomacy Since 1945

1999  Johnston, N. - Former Mozambican Refugees in the New South Africa

1999  Kibreab, G., - Revisiting the debate on people, place, identity and displacement. 

1999  Kissinger, Henry - Years of Renewal 

1999  Konrad Hugo Jarausch (Hrsg) - Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the GDR

1999  Lynne Viola - Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance
1999  McManimon Shannon - Use of Children as Soldiers

1999  Morris, A. - Race Relations and Racism

1999  Naimark, Norman - Die Russen in Deutschland die sowjetische Besatzungszone 1945 bis 1949

1999  Sanders, Tom - Imperialism and Genocide in Namibia

1999  Stiff, Peter - The Silent War: South African Recce Operations 1969–1994
1999  Wolf, Markus_ McElvoy, Anne - Man Without A Face The Autobiography Of Communism's Greatest Spymaster

1999  Meredith, Martin - Coming to Terms: South Africa’s Search for Truth. 

1999  Thandika Mkandiwire, Charles C. Soludo - Our Continent, Our Future

1999  United States Department of State - Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) 1964–68

1999  Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Puhle - Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie

1999  Wunschik, Tobias - „Abwehr“ und Unterstützung des internationalen Terrorismus – die Hauptabteilung XXII

1999  Yevgenia Albats - KGB. The State Within a State

2000  Abdourahmane Waberi - Moisson de cranes / Ernte der Schädel

2000  Barbara Miller - Narratives of Guilt and Compliance in Unified Germany. Stasi Informers and their Impact on Society

2000  Bernard Makhosezwe Magubane - Towards a Critical Perspective - The Selected Essays

2000  Bond, Patrick - Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neo-Liberalism in South Africa. 

2000  Cabrita, João M. - Mozambique: The Tortuous Road to Democracy 

2000  Campbell, Duncan. - ‘Inside Echelon: The global surveillance system known as Echelon’

2000  Cardoso, General Silva - Angola: Anatomia de uma Tragédia 

2000  Crush, J., - The Dark side of democracy: migration, xenophobia and human rights in South Africa

2000  Danso, R. McDonald, D. - Writing Xenophobia. Immigration and the Press

2000  Davenport, T. R. H. and Christopher Saunders - South Africa: A Modern History, 5th ed. 

2000  Elbadawi, Ibrahim, Nicholas Sambanis - External Intervention and the Duration of Civil Wars

2000  Hirschner, Gerhard - Kommunistische und postkommunistische Parteien in Osteuropa

2000  Jens Borchert, Sigrid Leitner, Klaus Stolz (eds.) - Politische Korruption

2000  John O Koehler - Stasi: The Untold Story Of The East German Secret Police

2000  John Sack - An Eye for an Eye: The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust
2000  Joseph Carens - Culture, Citizenship and Community

2000  Mazibuko, RP. - The effects of migrant labour on the family system
2000  Santos, Bruno Oliveira - Histórias Secretas da PIDE/DGS 

2000  Schwelien, Michael - Joschka Fischer - Eine Karriere 
2000  Sello Duiker - Thirteen Cents

2000  Stephan Padgett - Organizing Democracy in Eastern Germany 
2000  Tierno Monénembo - L'ainé des orphelins
2000  Tore Linné Eriksen - Norway and National Liberation in Southern Africa

2000  Yvonne Vera - Butterfly Burning

2000  Zakes Mda - The Heart of Redness

2000  Zoe Wicomb - David's Story

2001 - 2010

2001  Ali Mumtaz Shaikh - Child Soldier

2001  Barot, Rohit - Racialisation. The Genealogy and Critique of a Concept

2001  Borstelmann, Thomas - The Cold War and the Color Line 

2001  Chossudovsky, Michel - Global Brutal - Der entfesselte Welthandel, die Armut, der Krieg

2001  Chris Alden - Mozambique and the Construction of the New African State

2001  Comaroff, J. - Naturing the Nation. Aliens, Apocalypse and the Postcolonial State

2001  De Witte, Ludo - Regierungsauftrag Mord: Der Tod Lumumbas und die Kongo-Krise

2001  Fatima El-Tayeb - Schwarze Deutsche. Der Diskurs um »Rasse« und nationale Identität 1890-1933

2001  Frankel, Philip - An Ordinary Atrocity: Sharpeville and Its Massacre.

2001  Grossmann, Werner - Bonn im Blick : die DDR-Aufklärung aus der Sicht ihres letzten Chefs 

2001  Grunenberg, Antonia - Die Lust an der Schuld

2001  Hamann, Hilton - Days of the Generals 

2001  Harris, B. - Violence, Crime and Xenophobia
2001  Isak Niehaus - Witchcraft, Power And Politics: Exploring the Occult in the South African Lowveld

2001  Krawarik, Hans - Afrika - Von der Eurozentrierung zur Marginalisierung

2001  Künzli Jörg - Zwischen Rigidität und Flexibilität: Der Verpflichtungsgrad internationaler Menschenrechte

2001  Machel, Graça - The Impact of War on Children

2001  Mamdani, Mahmood - When Victims Become Killers

2001  Mbeki, T. - Statement on Xenophobia

2001  Peter Scholl-Latour - Afrikanische Totenklage - Der Ausverkauf des Schwarzen Kontinents

2001  Phaswane Mpe - Welcome to Our Hillbrow

2001  Rüchel, Uta - »auf deutsch sozialistisch zu denken«: Mosambikaner in der Schule der Freundschaft

2001  Sichone, O. - The Making of Makwerekwere

2001  Shubin, Vladimir and Andrei Tokarev - ‘War in Angola: A Soviet Dimension’

2001  Sello Duiker - The Quiet Violence of Dreams
2001  Tony Hodges - Angola: From Afro-Stalinism to Petro-Diamond Capitalism
2001  White, Luise - Speaking with Vampires. 

2002  A.B. Assensoh, Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh - African Military History and Politics

2002  Annette Weinke - Die Verfolgung von NS-Tätern im geteilten Deutschland

2002  Chabal, Patrick - A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa

2002  Christian Höffling - Korruption als soziale Beziehung

2002  Corey Ross - The East German Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives in the Interpretation of the GDR

2002  Daniels, Eddie - There and Back: Robben Island, 1964–1979. 

2002  David McKnight - Espionage and the roots of the Cold War

2002  Eisenfeld, Bernd - Rechtsextremismus in der DDR - Ursachen und Folgen

2002  Ekkehard Jesse (Hg.) - Der missbrauchte Antifaschismus. DDR-Staatsdoktrin und Lebenslüge der deutschen Linken

2002  Emmanuel Dongala - Johnny chien méchant

2002  Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestags - Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und Zivilgesellschaft

2002  Heintze, Beatrix - Afrikanische Pioniere - Zur Geschichte einer europäischen Annäherung

2002  Hough, Dan - The Fall and Rise of the PDS in Eastern Germany

2002  Legassick, Martin - Armed Struggle and Democracy: The Case of South Africa. 

2002  Loch K. Johnson - Bombs, Bugs, Drugs, and Thugs: Intelligence and America's Quest for Security

2002  Rodrigues, Luís Nuno - Salazar-Kennedy: A Crise de uma Aliança 

2002  Rodgers, G. - When Refugees Don’t Go Home: Post-War Mozambican Settlement Across the Border with South Africa

2002  Rommelspacher, Birgit - Anerkennung und Ausgrenzung. Deutschland als multikulturelle Gesellschaft

2002  Ronald Irving - Adenauer

2002  Stefan Sullivan - Marx for a Post-Communist Era: On Poverty, Corruption and Banality

2002  Tony Chafer, Amanda Sackur - Promoting the Colonial Idea

2002  Mestheneos, E., Ioannidi, E., - Obstacles to refugee integration in the European Union Member States

2002  Welch, David - The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda. 2d ed.

2002  Wolf Markus - Freunde sterben nicht

2002  Yvonne Vera - Stone Virgins

2003  Abdellatif Laabi - Rue du Retour

2003  Andrea Ostheimer, Anícia Lalá - How to remove the stains on Mozambiques democratic track record?

2003  Basedau, Matthias (2003) Erfolgsbedingungen von Demokratie im subsaharischen Afrika

2003  Bearden, Milt - The main enemy. The inside story of the CIA's final showdown with the KGB

2003  Bernardo, Manuel Amaro - Combater em Moçambique: Guerra e Descolonização, 1964-1975.

2003  Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge - ‘The Traditional Lion is Dead.’ The Ambivalent Presence of Tradition and the Relation Between Politics and Violence in Mozambique

2003  Böhler, Katja. Hoeren, Jürgen Hrsg. - Afrika - Mythos und Zukunft

2003  Buntman, Fran Lisa - Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid. 

2003  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Purple Hibiscus

2003  Christof Münger - Kennedy, die Berliner Mauer und die Kubakrise. Die westliche Allianz in der Zerreißprobe 1961–1963

2003  Frances Stonor Saunders - Qui mène la danse ? La CIA et la guerre froide culturelle

2003  Florêncio, Fernando - As Autoridades Tradicionais, Estado e Política Local em Moçambique

2003  Fullard, M. Rousseau, N. - An Imperfect Past

2003  Harvey, Robert - The Fall of Apartheid: The Inside Story from Smuts to Mbeki.

2003  Klaus Wahl - Skinheads, Neonazis, Mitläufer - Täterstudien und Prävention

2003  Krieger, Norma - Guerrilla Veterans in Post-War Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Politics, 1980–1987

2003  Lloyd-Jones, Stewart and António Costa Pinto (eds) - The Last Empire: Thirty Years of Portuguese Decolonization

2003  Loh, Werner (ed), Wippermann, Wolfgang (ed) - Faschismus kontrovers

2003  Milton Bearden, James Risen - The Main Enemy. CIA's Final Showdown

2003  Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert, David Welch - Propaganda and Mass Persuasion

2003  Nicole Bale - Security sector reform and good governance in developing countries

2003  Njabulo Ndebele - The Cry of Winnie Mandela

2003  Norman G. Finkelstein - The Holocaust Industry_ Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering

2003  Peter Eigen, Transparency International - Das Netz der Korruption: Wie eine weltweite Bewegung gegen Bestechung kämpft

2003  Peter Gill, Adam Edwards - Transnational organised crime: perspectives on global security

2003  Paul Cooke, Andrew Plowman (eds.) - German Writers and the Politics of Culture: Dealing with the Stasi

2003  Robert Dallek - An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917–1963

2003  Rosemary Elizabeth Galli - In the Shadow of Unango Mountain

2003  Schüle, Annegret - „Die ham se sozusagen aus dem Busch geholt“: Die Wahrnehmung der Vertragsarbeitskräfte im VEB Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei

2003  Stuhler, Ed - Margot Honecker: Eine Biographie

2003  Tilly, Charles. - The Politics of Collective Violence. 
2003  Todd, Paul, and Jonathan Bloch. - Global Intelligence: The World’s Secret Services Today. 

2003  Turok, Ben - Nothing but the Truth: Behind the ANC’s Struggle Politics. 

2003  Valji, N. - The Rise of Violent Xenophobia in the new South Africa

2003  White, Luise - The Assassination of Herbert Chitepo: Texts and Politics in Zimbabwe.

2003  Witz, Leslie - Apartheid’s Festival: Contesting South Africa’s National Pasts. 

2004  Alana Lentin - Racism and Anti-Racism in Europe

2004  Barber, James - Mandela’s World. 

2004  Barnabe Ncomo - Uria Simango: Um Homem, Uma Causa

2004  Bassam Tibi - Der neue Totalitarismus

2004  Britta Bannenberg, Wolfgang J. Schaupensteiner - Korruption in Deutschland. Porträt einer Wachstumsbranche

2004  Callinicos, Luli - Oliver Tambo: Beyond the Engeli Mountains

2004  Erkens, Rainer - Irrwege und Chancen der Entwicklungspolitik in Afrika. Eine liberale Perspektive

2004  Ganser Daniele - NATO - Geheimarmeen in Europa

2004  Golooba-Mutebi, F.  - Witchcraft, Trust, and Reciprocity Among Mozambican Refugees 

2004  Hargreaves, J. - Childhood mortality among former Mozambican refugees in rural South Africa

2004  Jochen Oppenheimer - Magermanes

2004  Harry Browne - The War Racket: The Lies, Myths, and Propaganda That Feed the American War Machine

2004  Hartleb, Florian - Rechts- und Linkspopulismus (Schill-Partei und PDS)

2004  Karsten Rudolph (2004) Wirtschaftsdiplomatie im Kalten Krieg. Die Ostpolitik der westdeutschen Großindustrie 1945-1991

2004  Kauffman, Kyle D.; David L. Lindauer (eds.) - AIDS and South Africa: The Social Expression of a Pandemic. 

2004  Landau, L.B. - Democracy and discrimination: Black African migrants in South Africa

2004  Loretta Bass - Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa

2004  Marx, Christoph - Geschichte Afrikas. Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart

2004  Mateus, Dalila Cabrita - A PIDE DGS na Guerra Colonial, 1961–1974

2004  Mbeki, Thabo - “Foreword.” In The Road to Democracy in South Africa: Volume 1

2004  McLellan, Josie - Antifascism in East Germany

2004  Milton, Giles - Weißes Gold - Das Schicksal weißer Sklaven in Afrika

2004  Niq Mhlongo - Dog Eat Dog

2004  Peter Jackson, L.V. Scott - Understanding Intelligence in the Twenty-First Century

2004  Polzer, T. - ‘We are all South Africans now’: The Integration of Mozambican Refugees in Rural South Africa

2004  Richard A. Clarke - Against All Enemies. Inside America's War on Terror

2004  Sarah Meek, Noel Stott - Guide To The Destruction Of Small Arms And Light Weapons

2004  Schell-Faucon, Stephanie - Erinnerungs- und Versöhnungsarbeit in ethnopolitischen Spannungsgebieten

2004  Schneidman, Witney W. - Engaging Africa: Washington and the Fall of Portugal’s Colonial Empire

2004  Schuster, Linda - A Burning Hunger: One Family’s Struggle against Apartheid

2004  Seyla Benhabib - The Rights of Others

2004  Toyin Falola - A Mouth Sweeter Than Salt: An African Memoir

2004  Ute Frevert - A Nation in Barracks: Modern Germany, Military Conscription and Civil Society

2004  White, Luis - ‘Poisoned Food, Poisoned Uniforms, and Anthrax: Or, How Guerrillas Die in War’

2005  Andrew, Christopher and Vasili Mitrokhin -The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World 

2005  Bisky, Lothar - So viele Träume. Mein Leben.

2005  Cameron, Edwin - Witness to AIDS

2005  Caroline Elkins - Imperial reckoning. The untold story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya

2005  Cooper, Frederick - Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History

2005  Donald Rayfield - Stalin and His Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who Killed for Him

2005  Elkins, Caroline - Britain's Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya

2005  Erasmus, Z. - Race and Identity in the Nation

2005  Gumede, William Mervin - Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC. 

2005  Hans Born, Loch K. Johnson, Ian Leigh - Who's Watching the Spies?: Establishing Intelligence Service Accountability

2005  Hieronymi, O., - Identity, integration and assimilation: factors of success and failure of migration

2005  Jan Goldman Robert Gates Sr. - Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional

2005  Jeremy M.Weinstein, Laudemiro Francisco - Understanding Civil War. The Civil War in Mozambique

2005  Kohnert, Dirk - Politics of Xenophobia

2005  Lungisile Ntsebeza - Democracy Compromised. Chiefs and the Politics

2005  Meredith, Martin - The state of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence

2005  Murphy, Philip (ed.) - British Documents on the End of Empire

2005  Onslow, Sue - ‘A Question of Timing: South Africa and Rhodesia’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1964–65’

2005  Peter Thompson - The Crisis of the German Left/ The PDS, Stalinism and the Global Economy

2005  Schmitz, Heinz-Gerd - Die dunkle Seite der Politik

2005  Steinberg, Jonny - Mozambican and Congolese Refugees in South Africa

2005  Westad, Odd Arne - The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times

2005  Westad, Odd Arne and Melvyn P. Leffler - The Cambridge History of the Cold War, vol. 2 

2006  Alex de Waal - AIDS and Power: Why there is no Political Crisis - Yet 

2006  Anne Kielland, Maurizia Tovo - Children at Work. Child Labor Practices in Africa

2006  António Costa Pinto - Chaos and Order - Preto, Salazar and Charismatic Appeal in Inter-war

2006  Arendt, Hannah. - Los orígenes del totalitarismo

2006  Beate Müller - Stasi - Zensur - Machtdiskurse

2006  Calland, Richard - Anatomy of South Africa: Who Holds the Power? 

2006  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half of a Yellow Sun

2006  Collinson, M., Wolff, B., Tollman, S., Kahn, K., - Trends in internal labour migration from rural Limpopo Province, male risk behaviour, and implications for the spread of HIV/AIDS in rural South Africa

2006  Comaroff, J. - Law and Disorder in the Postcolony

2006  David Carment, Martin Rudner - Peacekeeping Intelligence. New Players, Extended Boundaries

2006  Dirk Spilker - The East German Leadership and the Division of Germany: Patriotism and Propaganda, 1945–1953

2006  Ganser, Daniele - ‘The Ghost of Machiavelli: An Approach to Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Cold War Italy’

2006  Hamilton, Keith and Patrick Salmon (eds) - Documents on British Policy Overseas Series III, vol. 5:

2006  Hellbeck, Jochen - Revolution on My Mind. Writing a Diary Under Stalin

2006  Hemson, David, Martin Legassick, and Nicole Ulrich - “White Activists and the Revival of the Workers’ Movement

2006  Honwana, Alcinda - Child Soldiers in Africa

2006  John Lewis Gaddis - The Cold War: A New History

2006  Katona, Peter - Countering terrorism and WMD : creating a global counter-terrorism network

2006  Konrad Hugo Jarausch - After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, 1945-1995
2006  Kwame Akonor - Africa and IMF Conditionality: The Unevenness of Compliance, 1983-2000

2006  Loch K. Johnson - Handbook of Intelligence Studies
2006  Malan, Magnus - My Life with the SADF 

2006  Marx, Christoph - Zwangsumsiedlungen in Südafrika

2006  Masuku, T. - Targetting Foreigners
2006  Mateus, Dalila Cabrita (ed.) - Memórias do Colonialismo e da Guerra 

2006  Michael I. Handel - Intelligence and Military Operations
2006  Michela Wrong - I Didn't Do It for You: How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation

2006  Ndlovu, Sifiso Mxolisi - “The Revival of the Labour Movement, 1970–1980.”

2006  Ndlovu, Sifiso Mxolisi - “The ANC’s Diplomacy and International Relations.”

2006  Ngugi wa Thiong - Wizard of the Crow

2006  Paul Kengor - The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Comunism

2006  Peg Birmingham - Hannah Arendt & Human Rights

2006  Reichardt, Achim - Nie vergessen – Solidarität üben!

2006  Robinson, David Alexander - Curse on the Land: A History of the Mozambican Civil War

2006  Sanders, James - Apartheid’s Friends: The Rise and Fall of South Africa’s Secret Service

2006  Santos, António de Almeida - Quase Memórias, 2 vols 

2006  Stathis N. Kalyvas - The Logic of Violence in Civil War

2006  Stephen Castles - Migration, Citizenship and the European Welfare State
2006  Tim Allen - Trial Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Lord's Resistance Army

2006  Tim Peters - Der Antifaschismus der PDS aus antiextremistischer Sicht

2006  Vojtech Mastny - A Cardboard Castle?: An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991

2006  Walter, Dirk Hrsg. - Heiße Kriege im Kalten Krieg

2006  Wolf Lepenies - The Seduction of Culture in German History

2006  Wuyi Omitoogun. Eboe Hutchful - Budgeting for the Military Sector in Africa

2007  Ana Mónica Fonseca - A Força das Armas/ o Apoio da República Federal da Alemanha ao Estado Novo 

2007  Anna Saunders - Honecker’s Children. Youth and Patriotism in East(ern) Germany, 1979-2002

2007  Arun Kundnani - The End of Tolerance. Racism in 21st Century Britain

2007  Audretsch, Andreas - Die südafrikanische Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission

2007  Binda, Alexandre - Masodja: The History of the Rhodesian African Rifles and Ist Forerunner the Rhodesian Native Regiment

2007  Bundy, Colin - “New Nation, New History?: Constructing the Past in Post-Apartheid South Africa.” 

2007  Chabris, Christopher and Daniel Simons - The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us

2007  Christop Jünke - Der lange Schatten des Stalinismus. Sozialismus und Demokratie gestern und heute

2007  Cooke, J. - The form of the migrant labour hostel
2007  Crawford-Browne, Terry - Eye on the Money

2007  Dan Hough, Michael Koß, Jonathan Olsen - The Left Party in Contemporary German Politics 

2007  Feinstein, Andrew - After the Party: A Personal and Political Journey Inside the ANC. 

2007  Gevisser, Mark - Thabo Mbeki: A Dream Deferred.

2007  Hughes, Heather - “Rainbow, Renaissance, Tribes and Townships: Tourism and Heritage in South Africa since 1994.” 

2007  Ishmael Beah - A Long Way Gone: Memories of a Boy Soldier
2007  Issa Shivji - Silences in NGO Discourse: the Role and Future of NGOs in Africa

2007  John Schmeidel - STASI: Sword and Shield of the Party

2007  Krüger, Gesine - Vergangenheitsbewältigung? Zum Umgang mit Sklaverei, Kolonialismus und Apartheid

2007  Müller, Sebastian - Die Afrikanische Renaissance - Neuer Aufbruch unter der Führung Südafrikas?

2007  Nadja Manghezi - Amizade Traída e Recuperada

2007  Neville Hoad - African Intimacies: Race, Homosexuality, and Globalization

2007  Lowry, Donal - ‘The Impact of Anti-Communism on White Rhodesian Political Culture, ca. 1920s–1980’, 

2007  Magubane, Bernard - “Whose Memory—Whose History?: The Illusion of Liberal and Radical Historical Debates.”

2007  Miabere Ibelema - The African Press, Civic Cynicism, and Democracy

2007  Oliveira, Pedro Aires - Os Despojos da Aliança: A Grã-Bretanha e a Questão Colonial Portuguesa

2007  Pat Norris - Spies in the Sky: Surveillance Satellites in War and Peace

2007  Polzer, T., - Adapting to changing legal frameworks: Mozambican refugees in South Africa – an historical overview. 

2007  Raymond Copson - The United States in Africa: Bush Policy and Beyond

2007  Schafer, Jessica - Soldiers at Peace. Veterans and Society after the Civil War in Mozambique

2007  Schmidt; Monika - Schändungen jüdischer Friedhöfe in der DDR. Eine Bestandsaufnahme Antisemitismusforschung der TU Berlin

2007  Scot Macdonald - Propaganda and Information Warfare in the Twenty-First Century

2007  Stiff, Peter - Silent War: South African Recce Operations, 1969–1994

2007  Toyin Falola - HIV AIDS, Illness, and African Well-Being

2007  Veloso, Jacinto - Memórias em Voo Rasante - Memories at low altitude

2007  Westad, Arne Odd - The Global Cold War

2007  Wilfried Loth - Die Sowjetunion und die deutsche Frage

2008  A. James Gregor - Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism

2008  Abahlali baseMjondolo - Xenophobic Attacks in Johannesburg

2008  Allen, Thomas B - Declassified. 50 Top-Secret Documents That Changed History

2008  Aigner, Beatrix - Die Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission: Vergangenheitspolitik in Südafrika

2008  Bakewell, O., - Research beyond the categories: the importance of policy irrelevant research into forced migration

2008  Carlin, John - Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation.

2008  Carlos Shenga, Robert Mattes - “Low-Information” Mozambicans in comparative perspective

2008  Derrick, Jonathan - Africa's Agitators: Militant Anti-Colonialism in Africa and the West

2008  Donohue, Laura K. - The cost of counterterrorism: Power, politics, and liberty.

2008  Giordano, Ralph - Erinnerungen eines Davongekommenen. Die Autobiographie

2008  Glaser, D. - Elite and Popular 'Common Sense' on the Matter of Foreigners

2008  Gordin, Jeremy - Zuma: A Biography

2008  Harber, A. - The Media and the Xenophobic Violence

2008  Igreja, Victor - Memories as Weapons: The Politics of Peace and Silence in Post-Civil War Mozambique

2008  Jean Comaroff; John L. Comaroff - Law and Disorder in the Postcolony

2008  Kriger, Ethel - Vergangenheitsbewältigung auf Südafrikanisch

2008  Kristie Macrakis - Seduced by Secrets. Inside the Stasi's Spy-Tech World

2008  Landau, L. - Violence, Condemnation and Community

2008  Leon, Tony - On the Contrary

2008  Linne, Karsten - Deutschland jenseits des Äquators? Die NS-Kolonialplanungen für Afrika

2008  Manning, Carrie - The Making of Democrats Elections and Party Development in Postwar Bosnia, El Salvador, and Mozambique,

2008  Marito Garcia, Jean Fares - Youth in Africa's Labor Market

2008  Moorcraft, Paul and Peter McLaughlin - The Rhodesian War: A Military History

2008  Muanomoha, Cardoso Ramos - Undocumented Mozambican Labour Migration

2008  Niklas Luhmann - Die Moral der Gesellschaft

2008  Pimenta, Fernando Tavares - Angola, os Brancos e a Independência 

2008  Pingel, Falk - Can Truth be Negotiated? History Textbook Revision as a Means to Reconciliation

2008  Pithouse, R. - Elections. A Dangerous Time for Poor People's Movements

2008  Polzer, T., - Invisible integration: How bureaucratic, academic and social categories obscure integrated refugees

2008  Ramos Cardoso Muanamoha - Die Dynamik der undokumentierten Arbeitsmigration aus Mosambik nach Südafrika

2008  Rhoda Howard-Hassmann - Reparations to Africa

2008  Sharp, J. - 'Fortress South Africa'. Xenophobic Violence 
2008  Shubin, Vladimir - The Hot ‘Cold War’: The USSR in Southern Africa

2008  Sichone, O. - Xenophobia and Xenophilia

2008  Slavoj Zizek - Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books
2008  Smith, Ian - Bitter Harvest: Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of its Independence 

2008  Stathis N. Kalyvas - Order, Conflict, and Violence

2008  Tetzlaff, Rainer - Afrika in der Globalisierungsfalle
2008  Thomson, Alex - United States Policy towards Apartheid South Africa, 1948–1994

2008  Tim Weiner - CIA : die ganze Geschichte

2008  Various - Go Home or Die Here - Violence, Xenophobia

2008  Zizek, S. - Violence

2009  Alec Russell - Bring Me My Machine Gun: The Battle for the Soul of South Africa, from Mandela to Zuma

2009  Barroso, Luís Machado - Salazar e Ian Smith: O Apoio de Portugal à Rodésia (1964–1968) 

2009  Bertrand Taithe - The Killer Trail - A Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa

2009  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - The Thing Around Your Neck

2009  Correia, P. and G. Verhoef - ‘Portugal and South Africa: Close Allies or Unwilling Partners in Southern Africa during the Cold War?’ 

2009  Dlamini, Jacob - Native Nostalgia

2009  Eckert, Andreas - 125 Jahre Berliner Afrika-Konferenz. Bedeutung für Geschichte und Gegenwart
2009  Guerra, João Paulo - Descolonização Portuguesa: O Regresso das Caravelas 

2009  Hartmann, Grit. Müller, Uwe - Vorwärts und vergessen! - Das gefährliche Erbe der SED-Diktatur

2009  Hiller, Philipp - Was gelingt der PDS? Die Fusion zur Partei DIE LINKE

2009  Jeffrey, Anthea - A People’s War: New Light on the Struggle for South Africa.

2009  John L. Comaroff, Jean Comaroff - Ethnicity, Inc.

2009  Klaus-Dietmar Henke - Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands
2009  Manghezi, Nadja - The Maputo Connection: The ANC in the World of Frelimo. 
2009  Marie Ndiaye - Trois femmes puissantes
2009  Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro - Salazar: A Political Biography

2009  Mlambo, A. S. - ‘“We Have Blood Relations over the Border”: South Africa and Rhodesian Sanctions

2009  Moyo, Dambisa - Dead Aid - Why Aid is not working an how there is a Better Way for Africa

2009  Noltensmeier, Silke - Public Private Partnership und Korruption

2009  Onslow, Sue (ed.) - Cold War in Southern Africa: White Power, Black Liberation

2009  Patricia Jones Brainard - White Lies: A Critical Race Study of Power and Privilege

2009  Paul Corner - Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes_ Fascism, Nazism, Communism
2009  Russell, Alec - After Mandela: The Battle for the Soul of South Africa. Hutchinson
2009  Shana Penn. Jill Massino - Gender Politics and Everyday Life

2009  Smith, Janet, and Beauregard Tromp - Hani: A Life Too Short

2009  Sue Onslow - Cold War in Southern Africa: White Power, Black Liberation

2009  Var. - The Politics of Aid: African Strategies for Dealing with Donors

2009  Van Hear, N., Brubaker, R. and Bessa, T. - Managing Mobility for Human Development 

2009  Wippermann, Wolfgang - Faschismus. Eine Weltgeschichte vom 19.Jahrhundert bis heute

2009  Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Choice. Global Domination or Global Leadership

2010  Aissatou Bouba. Quintern Detlev Hrsg. - Das Bild von Afrika - Von kolonialer Einbildung zu transkultureller Verständigung

2010  Basílio, Guilherme - O Estado e a Escola na Construção da Identidade Política Moçambicana

2010  Bezuidenhout, A & Buhlungu, S. - From compound to fragmented labour: Mineworkers and the demise of compounds in South Africa

2010  Corrigan, Terence - Die politische Kultur Südafrikas - 16 Jahre nach Ende der Apartheid

2010  Dan Hough, Jonathan Olsen, Michael Koß - Left Parties in National Governments

2010  De Genova, Nicholas. Nathalie Peutz - The Deportation Regime

2010  Feijó, João - Discursos Jornalísticos sobre a Independência de Moçambique 1998-2003

2010  Fleichhacker, Helga - Parteiensystem und Verfassung in Afrika

2010  Fyodor Vasilevich Mochulsky - Gulag Boss

2010  Gamlen A. - The New Migration and Development Optimism

2010  Gary Bruce - The Firm: The Inside Story of the Stasi

2010  Glenn P. Hastedt, Steven W. Guerrier - Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage

2010  Goldberg, Denis - Der Auftrag - Ein Leben für die Freiheit in Südafrika

2010  Hartmann, Ralph - Die DDR unterm Lügenberg

2010  Houston, Gregory - “The ANC’s Armed Struggle in South Africa.” In The Road to Democracy

2010  Igreja, Victor - Testimonies of Suffering and Recasting the Meanings of Memories of Violence in Post-War Mozambique

2010  Iris Christina Obernhummer - Experten der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zusammenarbeit der DDR in Afrika

2010  Jacqueline Jaspert - Regionalismus im südlichen Afrika

2010  Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne - Surviving on the Move - Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa

2010  John Prendergast, Don Cheadle - The Enough Moment: Fighting to End Africa's Worst Human Rights Crimes

2010  Johnny Steinberg - Midlands: A Very South African Murder

2010  Jorge Saba Arbache - Gender Inequality in Africa's Labor Market

2010  Joseph Carens - Immigrants and the Right to Stay

2010  Joseph Hanlon, David Hulme, Armando Barrientos - Just give money to the poor

2010  Kevin A. O'Brien - The South African Intelligence Services. From Apartheid to Democracy, 1948-2005

2010  Klaus-Dietmar Henke. Hans Woller - Lehrjahre der CSU

2010  Magaziner, Dan - The Law and the Prophets: Black Consciousness in South Africa

2010  Maria Todorova, Zsuzsa Gille - Post-Communist Nostalgia

2004  McLellan, Josie - Love in the Time of Communism

2010  McQueen, Norrie. Pedro Aires Oliveira - The Last Days of Portugal’s Estado Novo

2010  Mende, Christiane - (Arbeits-)Migration aus der VR Mosambik in die DDR

2010  Michael Neocosmos - From 'Foreign Natives' to 'Native Foreigners'

2010  Misago, J.-P., Monson, T., Polzer, T., Landau, L.B., - May 2008 Violence against Foreign Nationals in South Africa

2010  Norman M. Naimark - Stalin und der Genozid

2010  Obernhummer, Iris Christina - Experten der „wissenschaftlich-technischen Zusammenarbeit“ der DDR in Afrika

2010  Onslow, Sue; Chris Saunders - ‘The Cold War in Southern Africa’

2010  Ottmann, Henning - Der Totalitarismus und seine Überwindung

2010  Peter Gill - Famine and Foreigners: Ethiopia since Live Aid

2010  Polzer, T. - Population Movements in and to South Africa

2010  Sasha Polakow-Suransky - The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa

2010  Sebastian Prinz - Die programmatische Entwicklung der PDS. Kontinuität und Wandel der Politik einer sozialistischen Partei

2010  Thomas Wegener, Friis Kristie Macrakis, Helmut Müller-Enbergs - East German foreign intelligence. Myth, Reality and Controversy

2010  Vigneswaran, D. - Criminality or Monopoly? Informal Immigration Enforcement in South Africa 

2010  Welsh, David - The Rise and Fall of Apartheid 

2010  Welzer, Harald - Erinnerungskultur und Zukunftsgedächtnis,

2010  Werner Großmann (Generalobert a.D.), Wolfgang Schwanitz (Generalleutnant a.D.) - Fragen an das MfS. Auskünfte über eine Behörde

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