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Short background stories
by Corrie Ockhuysen
Ester Cecilia
Birth date: 7-4-2013
Intake: 15-11-2018
Ester came as a very malnourished and sad girl, who didn’t say a word. Her mother didn’t have food neither medicines for her. Now she talks and sings and plays and looks so much healthier She is two years older than her sister Maria, who also lives with us, but they look like twins. In February 2020 she started elementary school. This year she is repeating first grade. -
Julia Juliana
Birth date: 20-3-2006
Intake: 5-5-2009
Julia is a sweet girl. She loves to help me with medicines and one day she will be a good nurse. In the beginning she was weak, since she was all by herself before she came to live with us. She only ate what her grandmother left for her. Her parents have died. Julia is in 6th grade and likes school a lot. She has been baptized and loves the Lord. Julia is learning how to sew. We hope that she can make a living with sewing in the future. -
Floida Samara
Birth date: 7-10-2003
Intake: 15-9-2013
Floida is a very smart girl and has good notes at school. She is in 10th grade. Floida came to live with us after that she had been sexually abused and the grandmother was afraid of having her at home since it was a man from the neighborhood. Floida doesn’t speak al lot about personal things but makes jokes all the time. She definitely has a good sense of humor. She has lots of friends in the dorm where she lives. Sometimes she stays with me in my house.
Beatriz Jorge
Birth date: 15-2-2003
Intake: September 2006
Beatriz is 18 years already, and is a very sweet girl She loves to help with the little ones, and help the educators. She doesn’t get a salary for that, but every now and then she can buy new clothes, shoes etc. Beatriz has difficulties with learning. She is again in grade 6, but can hardly read or write. She will be an excellent mother though! Beatriz loves the Lord and prays for others when they are sick. Beatriz is learning to sew and has a gift for that. She makes already clothes for herself and others.
Tatiana Da Lucia
Birth date: 20-6-2007
Intake: 1-4-2015
Tatiana is a sweet girl, and very good at school. She is grade 6 now, and always has good notes. Tatiana suffers from ear infections, but with medication she does well. Her mother passed away in 2020. Tatiana also has a little brother from another father. -
Filomene Alexandre
Birth date: 12-6-2005
Intake : 12-6-2006
Filomene is a sweet and beautiful girl. Even when her mother was still alive, Filomene was with us, since the mother didn’t have the means to look after Filomene and her brothers. She died a few years ago, and Filomene still misses her a lot. Filomene is smart and a good student at school. She is in 10th grade, together with her friends from the center. Filomene loves the Lord, and got baptized years ago.
Rosalina Pedro
Birth date: 28-11-2017
Intake: 21-2-2020
Rosalina lives with us because her mother has mental problems. Her twin brother Paulo also stays with us. They are very similar, but Rosalina is the more serious one. Our children love to play with them. Rosalina goes to our preschool. She was malnourished when she came, but has grown a lot. And also looks a lot happier.
Mercia Gerson
Birth Date: 13-1-2014
Intake: 2-7-2016
Mercia is a sensitive girl. She sees the needs of others, as small as she is. Mercia was left by her mom. We don’t know where she is. We haven’t seen the father either but the grandmother comes and visits Mercia. Mercia has gone through many difficult situations, abuse and rejection and sickness, but is doing very well now. In February 2020 Mercia started elementary school and she seems to like it. -
Rahima Nacional
Birth date: 8-5-2015
Intake: 11-11-2020
Rahima is a beautiful little girl, happy and playing with her friends. Her bigger brother Artur also stays with us. They used to live with their father, but during the day they were by themselves, since the father was looking for work every day. The mother died a few years ago. Rahima has hearing problems and we do some tests now to see how we can help her. She goes to our preschool. We hope that she can go to a “normal” school next year. -
Cecilia Cajumba
Birth date: 11-4-2007
Intake: 17-10-2007
Cecilia is happy child, sometimes a bit wild. She still likes to play with the smaller girls, instead of being with the older ones. She is in between, so to say. She is healthy and always tries to help me. She needs a lot of affection, maybe because she lost her mom at such a young age. She is doing very well in school and is in 8th grade now of secondary school. At the moment she stays with me and helps me a lot, she is very responsible (especially when I promise her tel. credit)
Rosita Machava
Birth date: 7-8-2000
Intake: 2009
Rosita is a beautiful girl. When you see her now, it is hard to believe that she came from the malnourishment department from Central Hospital. Rosita grew up with her grandmother close to the Swaziland border. Her grandmother passed away last year. Rosita was very sad to hear the news. Rosita is a smart, intelligent girl. She is 10th grade of secondary school. We hope that she can go to university in the future. -
Emily Hasigaw
Birth date: 18-1-2006
Intake: January 2012
Emily is a special girl. Always friendly and doing well in school. She is in 7th grade, and was the best of all students for the 5th grade exams. Emily comes from the North of Mozambique. She used to live with a grandma who was drunk most of the time. Probably Emily has a Japanese father, that’s why she looks different from the other children. She is skinny but very healthy and beautiful! She loves the Lord. During Holidays Emily goes by plane to a Mozambican lady in Pemba who likes her a lot.
Vina Armando
Birth date: 4-7-2007
Intake: 16-5-2020
Vina is a shy, beautiful girl. She came here, because she had lost the way. It seems that she had run away from her brother’s house since he mal treated her. She wanted to go back to the house of her grandmother, but got lost. The police found her and brought her to the center. Vina told us from the first day on that she wanted to stay with us. She had not been to school for years, and the grandmother doesn’t have the means to take care of her. Vina is a smart girl and studies well in 5th grade. All the girls like her.
Herminia Valentino
Birth date: 1-5-2003
Intake: 19-5-2006
Herminia is a beautiful girl, different, one of a kind. She is in 10th grade of secondary school. Sometimes she struggles with rejection, doesn’t feel accepted by the girls in her dorm. Luckily she has an educator who is really kind of mother to her, that helps a lot. She prays for others when they are sick. She is good in languages, so she is responsible for receiving guests in the center.
Silvia Bernardo.
Birth date: 28-10-2015
Intake: 15-11-2015
Silvia is the sweetest thing in the world. She looks to us with her beautiful brown eyes and she wins everybody’s heart. She is alert as well and knows her ways to get what she wants. She is small but already 5 years old. Her parents died in the past few years. Silvia goes to first grade now, and likes school a lot.
Maria Cecilia
Birth date: 5-9-2015
Intake: 15-11-2018
Maria and her older sister Ester are doing very well. They improved a lot because of getting the right medicines. Maria is hardly ever sick. The two sisters have a mom, but she cannot take care of them, because of mental problems and extreme poverty. Maria is a happy child and plays with the other girls her age. Maria goes to our preschool.
Stefania Rondinho
Birth date: 9-6-2010
Intake: 23-5-2012
Stefania is a happy child, sometimes a bit wild. She is sensitive and needs a lot of attention. Her mother died, the father comes to our church, and Stefania’s sister Isabel lives with our pastor and his family. She seems to be a smart girl, but still has problems in school, she repeated 2nd class and 3rd class as well. This year she seems to do better and is in 4th grade.
Isaura Adelino
Birth date: 11-6-2004
Intake: 2008
Isaura is a sweet and responsible girl, quiet but full of wisdom. She loves the Lord and is good at school. She is in 10th grade now, still 2 years to go. Isaura and her brother Mulando have been with us for many years. Their mother used to live in Swaziland but died a few years ago. The father is somewhere in South Africa. Isaura grew up with her grandmother, who didn’t have food, neither the right attitude to take care of the children. Isaura has a lot of friends, and is caring for others.
Júlia Inácio
Birth date: 23-8-2013
Intake: 3-9-2017
Júlia is a sweet, beautiful and smart girl. She loves school and in free time the children play school and off course Julia is the teacher. Julia’s mother died. The father is a bit confused but comes to visit every now and then. -
Melvia Cornelia
Birth date: 5-2-2013
Intake: 31-10-2018
Melvia is such a lovely child, shy but adorable. She used to live on the streets with her mom. When the mother died, Social welfare brought Melvia to us. We don’t know anything about the father. Melvia is healthy and is in 2nd grade of a Christian school here in the neighborhood. She has lots of friends.
Américo Armindo
Birth date: 19-6-2005
Intake: October 2013
Américo is a great boy, with a good heart. He is big as well. During the last few years he changed a lot, he is more open and honest now. His mother has a drinking problem and lives in poverty. His older sister has been with us as well. We help the whole family. Armando is in 7th grade of elimentary school and hopefully will go to secondary school next year.
Junior Lucia
Birth date: 23-11-2007
Intake: 15-7-2011
Junior is a very helpful boy, friendly and has lots of friends. Loves babies. Many times you see him with a baby in his arms. His twin brother Zefanias also lives with us but the two are in different grades. Junior is in 7th grade. The twins used to live with an older lady, the sister of the grandmother, a strong Christian woman who comes to visit every now and then.
Salito Aida
Birth date: 12-8-2010
Intake: 1-10-2012
Salito is a very sweet, shy boy. He is the grandson of one of the Iris Ministries Missionaries in Kenya. There was a lot of confusion in the family and that’s why the grandfather asked us for Salito to live in our center. Salito has difficulties in school, but it is probably more because he is insecure. Salito loves Jesus and will be one day a missionary like his grandfather, who knows.
Santos Belmeiro
Birth date: 9-11-2005
Intake: 5-6-2005
Santos is an amazing boy! He has been with us, since he was a baby. He loves the Lord and is leading Sunday school for the smaller children. He also loves music and makes his own Christian rap songs. He wants to be a musician. In school he is doing well. He is in 9th grade now, in secondary school. Last year he moved form the children’s dorm to the dorm for older boys. He is responsible and has various cores in the center. He is doing an English course and hopes to go to the States after secondary school.
David Cutane
Birth date: 10-9-2010
Intake: 26-5-2020
David is a very shy boy, who used to live with his grandmother in Katembe, but they are originally from Gaza Province. David speaks Shangana and has difficulties in learning Portuguese. We wonder if he may have a hearing, due to many ear infections he had in the past. In school he has difficulties as well and he is repeating 2nd grade. We hope that he will develop well and that he will feel at home, even though most people speak Portuguese. -
Armando Mucasse
Birth date:12-5-2004
Intake: 17-5-2017
Armando is a sensitive boy. When he first came here, after being in hospital for a long time, he was very sad, because the nurse who has taken him in to live with her, now couldn’t do this anymore. But soon he got friends in the center and is doing okay now. He is in 5th grade in elementary school. He lost a few years in school, because of sickness and quimo therapy. Mucasse loves playing more than church, but he got baptized and definitely loves the Lord.
Aldino Jito
Birth Date: 18-19-2009
Intake: 2-9-2020
Aldino’s father is a witchcraft doctor and treated Aldino badly. He ran away many times to his mother’s house, but then the father came to pick him up again. So one day he really ran away and ended up in Boane, where the police found him. Social welfare brought him here. Although social welfare promised us to find his family, we are happy that he can stay with us. During holidays he visits his mother. He says that he feels the difference in the “air” between here and his father’s place. Here he can really pray, he says. He is a responsible boy. He likes to help, work and has his own little vegetable garden.
Celestino Maria
Birth date: 2-3-2009
Intake: 13-2-2015
Celestino is a special boy. He is smart and is doing very well in school. He is in 7th grade now. He is also helpful, friendly, and an excellent soccer player. He lost his mother a few years ago. His father came to visit every now and then but the last two years we haven’t seen him and we don’t know where he is. We pray that Tino will have the future that God planned for him.
Armando Francisco
Birth date: 4-8-2003
Intake: 20-1-2012
We have so many Armando’s in the center that Armando goes by the nick name “Guebuza” the former president of Mozambique. He is a quiet boy, small for his age, but moved to the dorm for older boys a few months ago. He is in 6th grade, finally, since there were no exams last year for 5th grade. Corona virus sometimes has some advantages. He hardly can read or write. There is one thing that he loves most of all and that is watching movies. So now he is the one responsible for the movies.
Kevin Alberto
Birth date: 15-7-2002
Intake: 3-5-2013
Kevin is a kind and friendly boy. With his big, beautiful eyes and a smile on his face. Kevin was abandoned in hospital when he was about 9 years old. We tried hard to find his father but were not successful. Kevin is a healthy boy and studies in 8th grade. It is a joy for us to have Kevin with us, and we pray for a good future for him and that we will find his family!
Hélio Januário
Birth date: 15-9-2005
Intake: 12-12-2007
Hélio is a special boy with a good sense of humor but finds it difficult that he has problems in school. He can hardly read or write. He is finally in 6th grade because last year there were no exams for 5th grade. Corona virus helped him. is hearing is less than it should be. Hélio has been with us since he was 3 years old, together with his older brother Armando. They have a traumatic background, but we trust the lord for a marvelous future!-
Eduardo Fernando
Birth date: 1-8-2007
Intake: 12-1-2018
Eduardo is a very sweet and helpful boy. He used to live with his uncle who treated him very badly and made him work all the time. But now since he is with us, he is so happy, and loves the Lord. Eduardo is in 6th grade. He has had some health problems but is doing ok now. He is small for his age. -
Manuel António
Birth date:5-5-2015
Intake: 6-6-2021
Manuel is a cutie. He has only been with us for a month or so but it seems that he feels at home. His speech is delayed, probably because his mother cannot speak at all. He will go to logopedia soon as possible. He goes to our preschool. We hope he will get to know the Lord as a loving Father. -
Lorenço Manuel.
Birth date: 10-5-2004
Intake: 2007
Lorenço is such a special boy. He came with us at two years of age, because of the bad treatment and abuse by his father and stepmother. They both ended up in prison. But now Lorenço has met his father a few times. Lorenço is in secudary school, grade 9. He loves to be in the worship team of our church and is gifted musically. He plays keyboard and guitar. He is a friendly boy and willing to help.
Paulo Pedro
Birth date: 28-11-2017
Intake: 21-2-2020
Paulo is a sweet little boy, who lives with us because his mother has mental problems. His twin sister Rosalina is also with us. All the children love the twins, and play with them. They go to our preschool. They were malnourished when they came, but not any more, especially Paulo loves food above all.
Artur Nacional
Birth date: 10-9-2012
Intake: 11-11-2020
Artur and his little sister Rahima are here because their mother has passed away a few years ago and the father is hardly ever home because he has to (look for) work. The family comes from Zambezia, in the middle of Mozambique. Artur is a sweet and quiet boy, always caring for Rahima. Artur is repeating 3rd grade. It seems that he missed school many times last year. -
Armando Januário
Birth date: 1-9-2001
Intake: 12-12-2007
Armando is definitely the tallest boy in the center. Close to 2 meters. Armando came with his younger brother when he was 8 years old. They came from a very traumatic situation, but we trust the Lord for a marverlous future. Armando is serious at school, he is in 12th grade, which means that he will have his final exams this year. He helps us already with some accounting and is in the process of getting his driving license. We hope that he can go to university. In church he is active with the worship group and plays the drums.
Mulando Andelino
Birth date: 19-8-2002
Intake: 2008
Mulando has been with us since he was a small boy in preschool. Mulando is very serious and responsible. He is quiet and always willing to help. Mulando’s brother has been living here as well, and his younger sister is still here with us too. Their mother was living in Swaziland, but died a few years ago. It is a joy to have Mulando with us. He is good at school and is in 12th grade. After 12th grade we hope that he can go to university. Mulando loves drawing and he wants to be an architect. He loves church and plays guitar with the worship team.
Zefanias Lucia
Birth date: 23-11-2007
Intake: 15-7-2007
Zefanias and his twin brother Junior have been with us for many years already. The twins used to live with an older lady, the sister of the grand-grandmother, a strong Christian who comes to visit every now and then. Zefanias went to a school for children with special needs. He did very well there, but unfortunately the school has closed down. Now he is in 4th grade of a “normal” school, with good results. -
Zeca and Milton Augusto
Birth date: 15-4-2011 (Zeca)
Birth date: 15-5-2009 (Milton)
Intake: March 2021
Milton and Zeca are beautiful boys, well behaved. They like it so much to be with us. For the last few years they have been all by themselves. First the mother ran away, and later on the father abandoned them as well. A lady from the neighborhood felt for them and asked Social welfare to help. They come from a rural area and it was not easy to find them. They both started in first grade of primary school.
Zacarias Fabião
Birth date: 16-3-2008
Intake: 13-5-2020
Zacarias is a happy boy, well behaved and likes it so much to stay with us. Before he used to live with his older brother in Matola Rio but there was no food. He had to beg at the neighbors. His brother Daniel comes to visit at times. Zacarias is healthy and is in 5th grade of primary school with good results.
Aron de Jesus
Birth date: ?-?-2013
Intake: 24-2-2021
Aron is such a special boy. We don’t know anything about his background, but it seems he suffered from violence. The police found him on the streets in Boane. Aron’s eyes are very bad, he hardly sees. Still he runs around and plays. He loves cars. We hope that in the future an operation will be possible, maybe in South Africa or Swaziland. He goes to our preschool but asks all the time when he can go to primary school (“a real school” as he calls it.)
Armando Sérgio
Birth date: 14-12-2010
Intake: 20-10-2010
Armandinho is a very smart boy. Not only in school, also in the center he is alert and knows everything. When you lose your keys, go to Armandinho, he will find them within a few minute. Armandinho’s mother died years ago. We don’t know anything about the father. Armandinho loves to play soccer and is very good at it, because he is so fast.
Justino de Ana
Birth date: 14-5-2002
Intake: 2013
Justino is a responsible and helpful boy. His mother passed away last year, which was difficult for him. Justino has an older sister Laura, and a younger brother Inoque. All three of them have been living with us, but now it is only Justino. Justino loves the Lord and knows the Bible. He is in 10th grade, with good results Two more years for completing secondary school. We hope that one day he can go to university.
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